Der Große Neustart

Der Große Neustart

Prince Albert II Foundation: Monaco's Green Revolution

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Monaco⁠, the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world, smaller than New York's Central Park, has emerged as a powerful advocate for ocean and marine life conservation.

Prince Albert, Head of State and president of his foundation, played a significant role in shaping ⁠SDG 14⁠, the United Nations sustainable development goal entirely dedicated to the Ocean. He also spearheaded a campaign to ban global fishing of the endangered Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna. „When the world turned a blind eye, he rallied the local community to take action“, reveals ⁠Olivier Wenden, CEO and Vice President⁠ of the ⁠Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation⁠. As a result, every restaurant and retailer in principality removed this precious species from their shelves and menus.

"We are doers, we are collaborative activists.“

Their commitment to environmental stewardship and collaborative activism is showcased through 750 projects dedicated to biodiversity, climate, the ocean, and water resources. 

As Monaco celebrates its⁠ first Green Shift Festival⁠, transforming the principality into a hub of ecological discussions, we delve into the festival, the foundation's numerous initiatives, Monaco's role in safeguarding the planet's health, and the path to creating a better future. A wonderful optimistic conversation.

Jim Hagemann Snabe: The Reinvention of Everything

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The FT called him one of Europe’s leading industrialists and transformational leaders - and transforming is exactly what he does. Transforming and reinventing companies, across sectors and across industries. Dreaming big. First as Co-CEO and Chairman at the giant software company ⁠SAP⁠ and recently, taking ⁠A.P Møller-Maersk⁠, the Danish conglomerate that dominates container shipping, into the new era of decarboniziation.

“Our attention should be to bring hardware and software together - the physical and digital world."

⁠Jim Snabe⁠ is currently Chairman of Germany’s leading industrial group ⁠Siemens⁠, Board member of ⁠C3.AI⁠, new Chair of the Swedish battery Start-up ⁠Northvolt⁠ and Member of the Board of Trustees at the ⁠World Economic Forum.⁠

“Dreaming big and turning big dreams into achievable goals.” 

You might agree with me that he is the quintessence of a positive story - after listening to the conversation that include:

🎤 what he means by "reinventing everything” 
🎤 "radically implementing the goal”
🎤 decarbonising all industries
🎤 stakeholder capitalism
🎤 what ai can and should and should not do
🎤 assumptions & pioneering leadership
🎤 Greenland's ice and polar bears 
🎤 his books "Dreams and Details" and "Tech for Life”

The Saami: Custodians of Our Planet

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Áslak Holmberg, President of the Saami Council, is a pioneering leader who fights for the rights of 80.000 Indigenous people in the Arctic - on the global stage.

Speaking at the UN, the IPCC or in Davos, Áslak makes sure the world understands what it means to be Indigenous in the middle of Europe; being European citizens, whose rights to their land, their water and their traditional way of making a living, through fishing and reindeer herding, is being denied.

“We are colonized by 4 European countries: Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden. That means, we are not in charge of our own territories, governing or livelihood.”

Throughout this Podcast my key thought is, “How can we sustain the planet if we don’t empower the very people who dedicate their life to it?”

In our conversation, Àslak and I talk about:

🎤 Indigenous communities as the Custodians of our planet, because they live in peace with nature. They are driven by sustainability, not by growth, by their love of the environment not by terrorizing it.

🎤 Despite comprising 5% of the world‘s population, Indigenous people protect 80% of the Earth's biodiversity. We are in urgent need of their knowledge if we really want to tackle climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

🎤 The Saami deserve a seat at the table – so do all representatives of the global Indigenous community. There are more than 476 million Indigenous people in the world, spread across 90 countries and representing 5,000 different cultures, living in all geographic regions.

🎤 Since 2007, the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples contains a legally vague, yet symbolically significant, recognition of Indigenous people’s rights over the development of their own territories. It can only be just the start.

🎤 Today, young leaders like Áslak are being listened to in the international arena – but not in the nation states that occupy them and strip them of their rights. Norway, for example, has illegally built the world’s largest onshore wind farm with 1,000 turbines on Saami land, effectively killing one of the two ways the Saami can make a living in that area.

🎤 Áslak has for the past decade worked with Saami and indigenous issues through NGOs, the Saami parliament, as well as through activism and academia. He is a fisherman, teacher and holds a master’s degree in Indigenous studies. #1 Plattform für 2,5 Mio. Nachbarn in Deutschland

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Ina Remmers ist Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von, Deutschlands größter Nachbarschafts-Plattform. 2015 in Berlin gegründet, zählt das Unternehmen heute 2,5 Millionen Nutzer, verbindet aktiv Nachbarn in 400 deutschen Städten, beschäftigt 130 Mitarbeiter und expandiert nach Spanien und Frankreich. ist ein ein Gemeinwohl-orientiertes Unternehmen, welches Ina Remmers als "das absolut richtige Business-Modell für unsere Zeit", beschreibt. Der Mensch steht im Mittelpunkt. "Und eine gute Nachbarschaft kann heute überlebenswichtig sein."

Ein Drittel der Bevölkerung in den Industrieländern erlebt Einsamkeit. Jeder Zwölfte erfährt Einsamkeit in einem Ausmaß, das zu ernsthaften Gesundheitsproblemen führen kann. Laut einer Ipsos-Studie erhöht soziale Isolation das Risiko eines vorzeitigen Todes signifikant und steigert das Demenz-Risiko um 50 Prozent. füllt eine wichtige Lücke in der Gesellschaft.

In den kommenden zwei Jahren, so das Ziel, sollen alle Nachbarschaften in Deutschland miteinander verbunden sein.

Champalimaud Foundation: First Breast Cancer Surgery in the Metaverse

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The First Successful Breast Surgery in the Metaverse.

Dr Pedro Gouveia, Surgeon of the Breast Unit of the Champalimaud Clinical Centre in Lisbon, performed the first successful breast cancer operation in the Metaverse. While he and the patient were in the operating theatre at the Champalimaud Foundation in Portugal, his colleague was intervening and supervising from the University of Zaragoza in Spain - 900 kilometres away.

But there is more to this story than the wonders of the Metaverse.

The technology used by Dr Gouveia and his colleagues means that the entire process - tumour identification, diagnosis, surgery and treatment - dramatically reduces the risks and trauma to patients. This extraordinary pioneering undertaking has won Pedro Gouveia, the “Best and Greatest Portuguese Technology award.”

Dr Gouveia talks about
🎤 his medical breakthrough
🎤 surgical Metaverse education & Metaverse emotions
🎤 a digital, non-invasive methodology that allows surgeons to very precisely locate the tumour to be extracted
🎤 Breast 4.0, Health 4.0 and the 4th Industrial Revolution
🎤 why breast cancer is today, the most common cancer in the world
🎤 why mainly women in the West are so vulnerable to this disease
🎤 future advantages for the digital patient / digital hospital / digital healthcare system
🎤 AND: that we have to change our lifestyle

Building Competent Boards: Stewards of the Future

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Helle Bank Jorgensen is the CEO of Competent Boards, which offers the much praised global online ESG Competent Boards Certificate and Designation Program, with a faculty of over 150 renowned international board members, executives and experts. Launched in Davos in 2019, Competent Boards aims to enable board members and senior management to make better decisions, to “put your broad vision, your complex aim, your courageous idea into action.”

Helle has a 30-year track record in turning ESG risks into sustainable and profitable business opportunities and works with many Fortune 500 companies. She serves on numerous influential boards, such as the World Economic Forum Expert Network for Corporate Governance, Leadership, and Emerging Multinationals. Recently, she was awarded the Global Impact Award, and was named as one of “5 people in ESG to look out for”. Her book, "Stewards of the Future: A Guide for Competent Boards”, is an Amazon bestseller.

This conversation investigates a range of the top strategic issues affecting corporations today, including ESGs and SDGs, climate and human rights, supply chains, anti-corruption, dreams and visions, geopolitics and technology.

Helle is asking what responsible leaders should be constantly asking themselves:
🎤 Do you know your business?
🎤 Do you know what kills your company?
🎤 Do you know how to handle the current 'tsunami of crises' and serve all your stakeholders like a “steward of the future”?
🎤 Do you know how to create an efficient ecosystem?
🎤 Do you think like an activist?
🎤 Are you doing all you can to get all the information you need to move your company forward in the best possible way?
🎤 Do you know your customer's customer? And more.

Destination Earth: Creating the Planet's Digital Twin

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Destination Earth is a high precision digital model of the Earth. It is the EU’s flagship initiative to create a digital replica of our entire planet. "This replica is a Digital Twin in fact. It’s a gigantic task, that requires the world’s biggest computing to create the most precise data to tackle climate change.” That’s how Dr. Peter Bauer describes this 7 billion Euro project which he heads.

It's part of the EU’s Green Deal to tackle climate change and it is meant to provide pinpoint evidence-based support to enable Member States to implement the green transformation. Destination Earth aims to provide the complex software and hardware environment needed for the next generation of very high-resolution prediction models. By 2030, it is expected to have been achieved.

DestinE Actors: EU Commission, European Space Agency, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

Peter Bauer talks about:
- How Destination Earth can help the planet to heal - first digitally, then in reality
- How to improve our understanding of climate change and enable solutions at global, regional and local level
- How to predict where to live safely for the next five decades
- What Destination Earth has in common with the Metaverse
- Obstacles and finances including the impact of the energy crisis

ClimateView: We decarbonize city economies

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“We enable cities to understand and monitor their emissions, choose the best path to net zero and collaborate at scale to implement a comprehensive transition plan.” Tomer Shalit, Founder and CEO of the Swedish Company, ClimateView, named by Fast Company as one the most innovative companies of 2021.

What Tomer is describing is ClimateOs - an extraordinary technology that his company has created and rolled out in less than 3 years. It is the world’s first platform to support climate decision-making across the entire economic matrix of cities. In short: a technology that operates as a climate action tracker for local governments. Where cities once took up to 12 months to understand and focus on energy usage and emission targets, they now take days, if not hours.

Why is this important?

Currently, more than half of the global population is urban - rising to two thirds by 2050. Cities consume 78% of the world’s primary energy and generate more than 70% of global carbon emissions, according to the World Economic Forum. There is little doubt that cities are the frontline in creating and tackling climate change; representing both the biggest challenge as well as the greatest opportunity to keep warming well below 2°C.

"That’s why 170 cities are now using it, 51 of them in Germany“, says Michael Bergöö, the company's Community Director for German speaking Europe.

Sweden has decided to roll it out for the entire country. Hopefully, ClimateView can persuade Germany to follow Sweden’s example.

Plastic Fischer: Der Top Innovator 2022 rettet Flüsse und Ozeane

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Gründer und CEO Karsten Hirsch: “Wenn 80 Prozent des Plastiks in den Ozeanen aus etwa 1.000 Flüssen angeschwemmt wird, weshalb reinigt denn keine Firma in der Welt die Flüsse?” Das war der Beginn der Mission von Plastic Fischer. Als erstes Unternehmen widmen sie sich 2019 der Plastikbefreiung von Flüssen. Quasi Übernacht entwickelt das deutsche Start-up dafür die LLL-Technologie TrashBoom, eine vor Ort entwickelte (local), technisch einfache (low-tech) und kostengünstige Lösung (low-cost). In drei Jahren konnten sie fast 150 Tonnen Plastik aus vor allem stark verschmutzten asiatischen Flüssen, wie dem Ganges in Indien oder dem Citarum in Indonesien sammeln und verarbeiten. Das World Economic Forum hat sie dafür als Top Innovator 2022 ausgezeichnet.

Plastic Fischer hat große Pläne: “Wir wollen in jeder Stadt Indiens, die am Wasser liegt, einen Standort haben. Dann erzielen wir wirklich einen Impact.” Das Business-Modell: Weil die Arbeit durch Dritte über Cleanhub und Empower überprüft wird, kann Plastic Fischer Investoren ein Impact-Zertifikat zum Nachweis ihrer Aktivitäten ausstellen. Für Unternehmen, die die ESGs und SDGs unterstützen, heisst das: Ein Plastic Fischer Credit entspricht 1000 kg gesammeltem, verarbeitetem und durch Dritte verifiziertem Plastik aus dem Fluss.

Mission Possible Partnership: 400 Partners. 7 Heavy Industries. 1 Goal: Net-Zero 2050

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CEO Matt Rogers: “We are deeply committed to decarbonise 7 heavy-emitting industries by 2050: Cement, Steel, Aluminium and Chemicals - as well as Shipping, Aviation and Trucking.”

These 7 big industries are the building blocks of the global economy. Currently, they are responsible for 30% of GHG emissions globally. The 4 materials alone are responsible for 60% of current industry emissions. Where to begin? "Our 400 partners made bold commitments. Now is the time for bold actions. Because we know how to get from here to there on a step-by-step-basis."

Mission Possible Partnership is the first high-ambition, business backed organisation that is providing cross-sector and sector strategies to decarbonise 7 industries by 2050.

The alliance of 400+ leaders are partnering up to clean up, focused on supercharging decarbonisation across the entire value chain. Founded and driven by the Energy Transitions Commission, RMI, We Mean Business Coalition, and the World Economic Forum, other partners include the Global Maritime Forum, Bezos Earth Fund and McKinsey. "We connect the dots."

Matt Rogers talks in an fascinating and uplifting interview about:
# radical collaboration across the entire value chain
# getting to net-zero on a step by step basis
# net-zero growth is central to the mapping
# cross sector and cross country strategies
# re-thinking business models
# finance, technology, commitment, resilience
# how investors drive demand
# standard setting
# hard work and a tribute to the innovators

Über diesen Podcast

Exploring Revolutionary Ideas to Transform Our World

Der Große Neustart supports the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative, envisioning a just and sustainable society for the 21st century. Ranked #1 in 9 countries, featured in Forbes as one of the "Top 10 Trending Business Podcasts," recognized as the best German-speaking podcast, and listened to in 110 countries, our podcast spent an incredible 12 consecutive weeks at #1 in the USA Non-Profit Podcast Charts.

We are a trusted platform for groundbreaking conversations, where global leaders and changemakers dive deep into how they are reshaping industries, healthcare, business, education, technology, and the social contract. Guests include visionary thinkers like Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum; Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator; and many others—from tech pioneers and the world's first Water Envoy to Chief Heat Officers and individuals revolutionizing life on Earth.

Join us as we uncover the ideas, and strategies that are driving systemic transformation and creating a better future for people and the planet.

von und mit Sibylle Barden, Publizistin


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