Der Große Neustart

Der Große Neustart


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00:00:00: Inayah using technology in order to do importieren mit Newport mit den Juwelen.

00:00:09: Girls beyond jemand wir sind Tätowiererin.

00:00:13: Sorry we have Marvel finauer operating room transforming Sergeant in natural superhero.

00:00:20: Zebra fashion ski and remove the tumor cell freenode Tribut oncology.

00:00:27: Welcome to the special English edition auf der große Neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle Berg

00:00:35: in which I took the pioneering Lieder so inspired by the world Economic Forum street

00:00:40: Reset indische TV great revolutionary project selection die to make a world smarter greener

00:00:48: iwelcome dr Pedro Gouveia

00:00:54: 4. and designer of the best unit of the champalimaud Phoenix-Center in Lisbon doctor who were the Trailblazer in Metaverse Medical Position

00:01:05: in may this year I perform the first

00:01:09: saxas pro breast cancer Operation in the matter with but not only that when he and the patients were in the operating Theatre Importe Berufskolleg within the meaning and supervising von the University of Zaragoza in Spain

00:01:24: nine hundred kilometers away and yet the world in the same room

00:01:29: things to Augmented Reality m5c artificial intelligence

00:01:34: and his specializzato Goggles with pioneering Experiment I call that breast for point zero

00:01:42: has won him the best and greatest portugaise technology what good morning dr Gewehr in Lisbon am congratulations Post.

00:01:53: Ohne daB Sound fantastic please tell us everything about your breast cancer Operation in the mad Hatters.

00:02:03: High stable and once again thank you very much for Disk 1 TV Technik 2 GeForce.

00:02:09: Spicy Ginger Podcast zu distaso CHECK24

00:02:16: and we wanted to prove a Proof-of-Concept

00:02:20: steck it is possible that someone far away to the device remotely an ongoing real Surgery in this case breast cancer cell Surgery

00:02:32: sowas in Lisbon Champalimaud Foundation.

00:02:35: Mit my patience and Rosalina my calling us in Spain at Saragossa

00:02:42: China international conference breast cancer Pizzadienst obviously

00:02:47: the watch me want to showcase inside me are the monkey

00:02:53: entkusselung Elemente we could be connected Ottonen ordinary video conference Software Inc bei Headset Augmented Reality Lorenzo bei Microsoft

00:03:07: and,

00:03:09: world countries with ongoing Reservoir with rotating in the screen what I could see with my head that it means that.

00:03:19: I could be on with me.

00:03:22: Anna real setting up survey and visualizing everything like ice and my Förderbeginn including the patients

00:03:32: Navi seitig Audi Navi video conference now watch the experiment with the Trujillo Luna.

00:03:40: Tormented reality with able to give the instructions about the surgical procedure

00:03:47: erinner climbo joie i started to object in my hidden field within Meyer-Landrut linking to the patients

00:03:56: Andys world to object within the forum of surgical indication about

00:04:03: das soll die karibischen dabei sind sowohl BUS able to suggest me where is Stuttgart.

00:04:11: To make my incision in the patients breast in order to remove the tumor in most important

00:04:18: how to perform Apache breast reconstruction in order to avoid warning defect the truth

00:04:27: have a major problem in terms of the aesthetic results of the breast cancer conservative Surgery

00:04:35: zu disney ins Bett weil sometimes we speak about technology and why technology is important today is what we have is that.

00:04:45: Surgeon Zigarette specific trainning sometimes they go abroad they learn how to do it in the The Comeback oder original hospital and starting themselves

00:04:55: surgical operations that wenn demente Ghostbuster der Hospital Iserlohn.

00:05:04: So dicke Bussi jazz and the ship is available because I don't have you didn't have to do do it now without möchte die win2day NEU,

00:05:18: hier einige ihrer intersurgical Met Office education where

00:05:23: it is possible that the major shit could continue when the money goes back to the hospital Handys mad men doing what is the ring Creed Origins und interaktiv

00:05:38: now you you you, we could understand that when we are riding the car and we may say.

00:05:46: Doofe Ingo bear instead of speaking go left to go right Surgery

00:05:54: China specific field of the operation is the small white and it's really difficult if you are with your friends.

00:06:05: Eine stetig größer using batch 17 die Alterität Politiker

00:06:10: also check it impossible Lyrics ohne Videokonferenz

00:06:17: by the one that we cannot see you on with the whole and augmented reality

00:06:24: it means that the mental Qt draw in Michael The Billion what should I do how can I do.

00:06:31: And also help me identifying specific in atomic structure by Queen Mary and not Tumor.

00:06:40: Morgen wherever and Twist me and me to operate the patients with safety.

00:06:49: Entführung für die angelartikel outcomes der Kirin bei Sky the very important,

00:06:58: i am what some of your YouTube videos about your iubesc answer operation and you you show how to look into the patients.

00:07:12: White and now we don't have the video here Daniel extrem satin in more details so that we can imagine how it works.

00:07:24: Imagine that free sample metmaxx forget this days of the Surgery frame is missing.

00:07:34: Machine with the button and dating have the same color.

00:07:42: Wenn der Handy print number is very hard to book to update machine into it immediately

00:07:52: wer hat neue imagine but I'm walking für mich schien mit Fifty Button d'Ivoire in Detmold.

00:08:02: Ein weiterer Weiden 1b beim Chinesen das giftige button and you are connected to my home and you are able to see the city button.

00:08:14: Now count from right to the left ten and push the button number Ten.

00:08:21: Instead of which you can draw a circle within the button in my field of vision.

00:08:29: Daikin seconds all can identify the right button with Array Push

00:08:36: Johnny Depp radical verhaftet count Eike make a mistake and the Furious Batteriedauer but everything you up and down time

00:08:49: 9isat spiritui sollte bitte graphics anonymer video conference on the real environment ist alles.

00:08:59: Lieblings Titelsong the user and collect Moments not responding this,

00:09:06: Situation, machine to Citybike in surgery in Bergheim Luton to the patients,

00:09:13: and while you were drawing Edition pointing to the city Canada mixture of the Media Image interpretation of what you're saying without any doubt

00:09:26: SCP region of interest.

00:09:29: In what I am think so that you have realtime Information Antimonit in der nähe Ridgway.

00:09:40: Android Outlook letzte identifier

00:09:49: Bademäntel two GPUs and instruction data to visualize Atlantis by your brain by a

00:09:57: Intervall YouTube es geht the specific position in the sky is on the breast cancer mathematics Surgery.

00:10:05: Erfassen ihre Energie Menschen die rolloland several times also understood that you invented

00:10:14: the 1 noch Wildkogel 2 YouTube.

00:10:22: War die sind die Feinde der galosol die Headset von Microsoft Solitaire.

00:10:31: Everything we needed world Software.

00:10:34: We bought the highway and the good internet connection boosted by

00:10:43: Nummer erst wifi me with important cities Surgery in the pictures of latency now everybody knows what latency

00:10:53: du kannst bis sie dick wie die gesamte Pandan XOR everybody Starts doing Video conferences all the time and most of them

00:11:02: auf dem Dresdner SC 26 Diamond one

00:11:07: eine video Kartenspiel come on Monday Joe and the head by the way,

00:11:16: Stadtnetz is provided by Layton singt imagine that you think the specific.

00:11:24: Typen im rocking the one and the other.

00:11:29: Mikasa wollten cnk hand movements Agent point out one pen.

00:11:38: Big due to light and see my graphic Information Display set.

00:11:45: Meine ständigen pointing the the the the band I could be pointing to the pain be with you different information to do you the one that the thing happens if you have.

00:11:58: Forkardt running on the highway very close from each other.

00:12:03: Utility Civ commanding Israel feiern in the comments on remote command the focal fast and the stop immediately bold at one.

00:12:16: Gucciletten CD4 Kaka.

00:12:19: Knickers the cow and the faces that allow them to check the distance between broadcasting Chirurgie background informations System mit Lukas.

00:12:33: Crash car crash fußballfiguren.

00:12:37: Ihr seid reviews to maximum latency that allow that everything voice video and the bitte graphics instructions all time,

00:12:50: the minimum possible agency to avoid special level meaning to avoid Fake.

00:12:57: The Zodiac Jerry and suddenly Picasso pointing to the Wayne any state of getting the Osteria look at the wine on earth.

00:13:07: Let's write the report into regarding healthcare everything we went there by technology we have to think of the gallery

00:13:15: Inhaber Campingplatz kützkow jedes ok mit we need heißt utility and we currently with WIFI into the dead

00:13:25: E-Smart possible to I2C programming the hunger games to do not have a pen I have to the wire energy mobile phone.

00:13:39: Tutti Headset in order to provide find the connection to horror and to in order to be able to showcase dead.

00:13:48: Nadine Spies Jean Lesben NVG Interesse an attitude Internet.

00:13:54: Gute USB type anathema setting that ultimately Pit Crew disprove Aufgaben Staat in Westafrika Meredith deutschen Autismus Masters 300.

00:14:05: deswegen,

00:14:11: Regine Surgery the walls o2 before

00:14:16: Batavia Willi speaking in den Jura where the magic words with the connection between two distinct fidella.

00:14:30: Health care to join in the new era of communication in order to create new proof of concept.

00:14:40: Always with high fidelity für Sony tetris XRD and we have a policy not to on the patients with rubber technology WordPress Francois.

00:14:55: Understood that operating owner

00:14:57: weißes Partykleid different today because they surgeons can always see and identified that you makes ugly and in the medical Metal birthday

00:15:12: U-Boote hat korrekt,

00:15:15: Bodybuilder eventkonzeption concept turistiche occasion Verkauf in the medical medical education 4

00:15:28: that's my way to the remote Reset by the monkey during an ongoing real.

00:15:35: Breast cancer surgery for the medication audiokonzept.

00:15:43: The most ambitious one mit Wickelbrett four points to create a medical device.

00:15:53: Jetzt geht in night! Tschüss Sybian patients can wait till the end.

00:16:03: Rabbit Audio Osmo story batbrat cancel cancel cancel.

00:16:09: World Wide before pandemics.

00:16:13: When can see with the most common worldwide and we used to say that we can see them of germany streamen.

00:16:23: Breast cancer has suspended Lake and the land is nowadays most common cancer worldwide.

00:16:33: On the other side breast cancer treatment has been very effectively that of the tenure.

00:16:41: Model Modell Lady percent of patients will survive.

00:16:45: T-Shirt bei dead aus Ergebnistabelle datastage Survivalist.

00:16:53: Is back it means that this passion your life.

00:16:57: Warm white with the 3 consequences of treatment ideal technical or emotional.

00:17:06: Megascans Jackman the gold standard nowadays Giscard the comparative Surgery information.

00:17:17: Miamed.

00:17:18: Turi moving Teil Brest Ammersbek den emoji damit allerdings Surgery and safely in the breath of the wild we don't dream it's over.

00:17:31: Ista doprimo Beholder breast Muskelkater major impact in the south-west imabis passiontec lubematch united and because of scaffolds moin moin,

00:17:44: du gegenseitig nur Sitz in einer List age meaning very small

00:17:49: now is free to perform von dem bedeutet patience breast cancer konservativ deutsche ist eine Memory herbstmotiven.

00:17:59: Diesmal Wiesental Nordportugal now.

00:18:02: Wow das Deutsch in the dream of the tumor if I cannot feel at the beginning of breath of the wild Guide esturgeon.

00:18:16: Doing the study Cottbus i just use it now worldwide method zubereitet Tumor metallic wire Daddy's little respect,

00:18:27: edle paintbrush in Audacity geiles Virgin town that you more 1.

00:18:34: Und ja das Fliegen imagine that when do you think we have several imaging modality like ultrasound normal ko-fi.

00:18:47: Restmüllsäcke Mail Lindau.

00:18:58: Tattoo equal images.

00:19:01: Commodities Insider breast when the passion is little lips with the machine that is the diagnosis bisschen Frieden.

00:19:11: Ménage auf dieses Modell die Eiskönigin report.

00:19:16: Breast MRI imaging modality the passion is lying down on the bed bed.

00:19:23: Meine point Position meaning in the belly down facing to the bad and the breast.

00:19:30: Aldi Forum bei gravity NTM Reico.

00:19:34: Nein der Hebelzug Medical report to the amazing patients with breast cancer proposing,

00:19:46: Küchen to understand why did you with our eyes more than three hundred imagine and you read this and medical report and when the greatest and I can send my love.

00:20:00: Wie heißt die App Waze App localization Technique the wire guided.

00:20:09: Ebay fees for Punto started by imagine individuell Postbote biodigital breast model.

00:20:18: THE could be created to the future and past is between Adresse Mary and the base camp.

00:20:28: Restart Service gerne wieder bei shindy nearby Position T4E member

00:20:33: me and my regret my Front Position mit Baby down the thing that this mean that we needed to apply for this.

00:20:43: Die Form richtig weit ist Halle südpazifischen Italien

00:20:58: Jimmy white Apples translation Office 3D Formen bei Gravis.

00:21:04: Ein Tessiner leid Outlook works when the passion is up up right position.

00:21:10: In deinem Profil steht sie mir leitet für die Wii construction aufgebrachte Mirai.

00:21:17: NT4 sowie der beiden und mir dass dass das kein Leerzeichen specific view the walking dead

00:21:26: nein denn ich starte mit Excel expository conceptual model

00:21:37: Ikea Augmented Reality App always and for the first time we were able to produce.

00:21:47: Breckhauser Gramm.

00:21:49: Ubuntu Mate hautfreundliche started now Vision.

00:21:58: The time that we could create als digital and non-invasive method.

00:22:04: Lookalike breast cancer surgery in aging.

00:22:10: Swedish super human vision that they don't have not to treat better patients into the blue.

00:22:19: Danke Vatikan outcome and DSF Eglisau.

00:22:23: Entwickelt nowadays we have humans we have not limited capabilities and now I using technology NORD.

00:22:35: Dream power Tschechien with new power within you the song that goes beyond.

00:22:42: Gemeinwesen Tätowiererin.

00:22:52: Debian pepchinski.

00:22:54: And remove the tumor cell free NOD32 oncologic outcomes and athletic wieso startet die Stinker Westworld pronto.

00:23:04: Woran werden diese externen wohl Drehmoment WAV Juventus Turin.

00:23:16: Meaning that we are definitely in the entry in a new era of you use case

00:23:24: the marvelettes sometimes people don't know how to define Einverständnis pretty natural Svenja Preding don't have access to my ecological Institute at

00:23:38: mit diesem Jahr completely deleted.

00:23:48: Bitte gleich again and oder soll ich so disturbing of getting out intelligent ist nach Kosovo.

00:23:59: Zu meiner Rente sowie aber die Headset louder than the operating gepennt.

00:24:07: And having internet access with Augmented Reality Headset und Mixed Reality Headset.

00:24:17: Medical information that could be on the weekend for all images from XML hollowgram.

00:24:23: Story Single night in the bath and body in order to allow Origin to see Björn byczynski what is important to death Surgery in my case Übersetzung,

00:24:34: mit Ekel Bierbrauen ekebergveien archery

00:24:37: Adagio Martin in different Position du bist nicht sauer.

00:24:48: Daily life sweet Passion bitte Video help us to be better without technology.

00:24:58: The Artisan create people treat our patients travel battery technology easy and the voice Kids.

00:25:09: Sorry will I have the bill please use case and at the moment I speak.

00:25:14: Neustart disk is used Kaiserschnitt research silence the need to start doing clinical trial

00:25:22: geblümtes Disney method

00:25:26: Aircon Pickenpack tufekci the style that one know if I have,

00:25:33: Medical Device Naturkeller Reichtum als eine billige ein Anime bei Ebay

00:25:40: wann öffnet we are we by the witch and the saint deadbeat dad if it is not the view standing by the method

00:25:48: we have a big advantage rigidity and we are speaking not only about oncological outcomes of the gravity of love

00:25:57: no one likes

00:25:59: Anruf 91.4 Whitechapel auf going to take some blood and wine force motivation of Blood Diamond Dash.

00:26:15: Postident App

00:26:22: i love before surgery Scirocco metallica du bist du lustig,

00:26:28: Rechenbeispiel pain einseitig 1. complication that may arise

00:26:36: bye bye bye bye describing bist Apotheke die streamplus army of hardcore 2001 chat

00:26:48: Ikea eket System wurde von der major Steak Oberlinhaus Guernica.

00:26:55: Lactation and the Outcasts ich bin in der Gemeinde Weilerswist.

00:27:03: Gravity mich interpretation and the sea Battle beyond the taking the Walking beyond byczynski

00:27:11: Verbrechen city tours olark Live eine Mikrowelle in den Anker vertical outcomes for the healthcare systems technology Europe dürfte Biberger Kleiderhaken

00:27:25: mit mir selbst,

00:27:27: that could have married joy and avoid second Surgery speak and the time with every move you move it completely

00:27:36: Halsey bonprix accident and we have good oncologic outcomes in the walking dead Passion med healthcare Gang,

00:27:49: the city and the money with save.

00:27:52: Second surgery beginning with that money into battle 3x Beach Resort.

00:28:01: Soja ist Mutti something got good

00:28:07: bring sustainability into the healthcare ecosystem using in new technology.

00:28:17: Bescheid Nichtjurist wowhead.

00:28:25: Bad König O2 und möchte wie startet das denn heute so zu Zyste auf bei Trinity Bloomberg technology

00:28:36: NPM replace standard method regarding for example best cases deutsch.

00:28:43: Bevor sie begonnen hat Madison for point zero and Day Post industrial revolution which you talk a lot about.

00:28:56: Images just be clear that understood correctly you.

00:29:04: Vision new technology you are able to operate the Juma.

00:29:13: YouTube basically pinpointed take it out without damaging,

00:29:20: the best right now with the conservative approach we we don't know exactly where it is because we haven't got you teknolojileri document in the south of the doctor technology here and Damned,

00:29:34: the chances that we are away in the Sith and probably have destroyed the best.

00:29:41: Manchmal sein welcher technology ist das korrekt Havanna Stuttgart.

00:29:47: Christopher thank you ready the begin with what we are doing here is research

00:29:54: jokes that need is a research project that is very much for the way that require the Technology readiness level Station ja bisschen drin vor

00:30:08: Soja stikhina validation of the system with patients oder den Komiker Schweiz.

00:30:16: With this technology uikit Kempinski remove the tumor

00:30:20: Vanessa Duisburg ist heute unabhängig willst du hast du Zeit gut gehen Ticket Insider fashion Spray and remove did you modify satisfying

00:30:32: the weather today that you can be the best and ultimately could lead to a situation where

00:30:39: Abkürzung navigiere mich find out in the device without that we have basismarken

00:30:46: modellkritik RL Insider fashion trade with Matthew Hussey

00:30:56: Smart gehört Göttingen Nazi

00:30:59: ready to mate macroscopic SSL of you sleep with me in you

00:31:08: imagine Modell Revision, Service kein Zugriff Kamera Transformator zu holen also in the walking the patients with any medical were recognized uibk the patients.

00:31:22: Video in der Form auf einer rockliner Walters,

00:31:35: to make my immediately Apotheek planning inside your going home and go for tomorrow.

00:31:45: Because what you're saying with the new technology you are able to improve the patients into the emotional journey.

00:31:55: Women know that the whole procedure is so much more advanced and professional and of course les bases.

00:32:06: Dittmers BND numisbrief.

00:32:09: Top agent,

00:32:19: Imogen registration prior to start E61

00:32:27: jupapa binding Landing Page and beautiful.

00:32:33: Neneh Cherry Tattoo time of wire placement that is always been following procedure

00:32:42: LTB appointed widersprechend need you right now deutsch

00:32:49: rechenserver retain mein ewig Brothers so der Feenflügel stream of unexplained Paintball exam and replacing it

00:32:59: to technology wieder digitorney basic technique.

00:33:03: ATSV Timelkam

00:33:14: Lina Medina starte der jetzt sprechen.

00:33:22: Like you are using a virtual reality Headset

00:33:25: i hate and I know that you have a special that we're going to the point of view

00:33:35: nur für Eingeweihte die genauen Jugend ubi schon mal nicht ganz so zielstrebig

00:33:43: mobiler Tumor removal for Foundation

00:33:51: Schwalbe Rastatt in Weitnau Websessions before when they are already in the surgical

00:33:59: Nadine eiderbrücke junkerreute der time.

00:34:07: Way we put virtual-reality-headset into the Machine Head

00:34:11: einreihiger waiting for the third Wave Experiment in Europe Entertainment to the very critical objective beginners and beauty

00:34:22: we are trying to birthday to improve quality of life of patients in the crucial Moment which is the moment deposit Surgery Foundation is still awake

00:34:32: ist der Michelin kein ecosystem der Titelsong.

00:34:36: Männer wollte DJs Antimalware Surgery Metaverse Emotions control before surgery and the thing how much.

00:34:48: Erinner Poldi chromecast oder miracast.

00:34:59: Bettdecke wie nach Artikel

00:35:01: Babygalerie under radiation the Department imaging and in the operating room

00:35:12: bitte die Mädchen das mit der Volksrepublik weißt du Headset.

00:35:16: No matter that got around iphone.xs Jürgen widowmaker

00:35:28: isebähnli, die Offerte die Station und ist new forms that I know it is Python replace,

00:35:38: Bikeline Polar Tranquilizer with content that is pretty natural nowadays Europe Sicking

00:35:47: buy you food and what about us in specific settings white replace 3cdaemon ist anxiety Headset the base and improving

00:35:59: how I feel.

00:36:01: Diminishing anxiety so herdenking to become the moments that we happy few minutes after wiping bitte Bärchen sleeping

00:36:15: A1 Micro ja living a moment where patients with you.

00:36:21: Impact of the new emerging technologies Europe not on the dock of the patients in the Daily journey we just need you to death

00:36:35: wie geil ist das denn.

00:36:38: Musterschuhe it go world mit Energie Nico.

00:36:49: YouTube item of the Dead X-Diaries statistically significant advantage of using this technology and comparing with that Nagelstudio the one

00:37:00: the finest work that nächste bitte an Herrn Schubert,

00:37:07: Aykut von Mainz me of watching your future of house recording and you you.

00:37:18: Basically sad that Madison PowerPoint series powered by artificial intelligence and augmented reality and you are divided into three

00:37:30: Killers basically the healthcare system clinical practice the digit patients can you can you go into detail here

00:37:42: my my my point of view.

00:37:45: Tanzraum wedding Oslo WhatsApp Khalifa in the West Apotheke West Kardiologie.

00:37:53: Eric Eric tomodachi life what you want.

00:37:58: Enter into Sachen ineinander special with you about artificial by nature

00:38:08: talking about the kind multimedia Fachartikel sich für intelligent mit jungen Hose high performance Madison Edition,

00:38:19: between the different Circus decoder for doctors for patients and body auf Gesichtern

00:38:27: now I knew I think artificial intelligence and I'm breathing kann immer noch Eiter Bad Schwartau

00:38:36: ist Herlitz fahrzeugachsen Pepsi

00:38:43: Doppelmayr Langendamm fortrabbit Image Interpretation Vision example maps.

00:38:51: Wetter Köln Kredit für die Textur picture.

00:38:55: Zuckmayer Mama Foundation heiße Heiko Gesundheit wing,

00:39:01: dann aber normal Ordner ins Bett Detektor skinvision ndubuisi.

00:39:12: Nenne jemand pink.

00:39:13: What is the likelihood of Leipzig chemischen Kilbi Amazon over the skin cancer treatment.

00:39:22: Ist früher praktisch intelligence on computation of two images.

00:39:29: Na czarny zu robots wenn jemand heute kämpfen Science Fiction movies today.

00:39:37: Es tut im türkischen Stil der pazifischen intelligent

00:39:41: that we have the most successful mutations in healthcare regarding ist Anwältin südpazifischen intelligent and humans Zuheizer formatiert Madison

00:39:52: bin seit Mitte Juli in the mirror of second instead of Duty Curry minute 1 rising.

00:39:59: Handelt der Film mit Jane Wedding wie findest du Niko report we can access rabbit Image Interpretation using

00:40:06: eyal 3. Juni to assistant doctor who you are better in the diagnosis and therapy Gastritis medical errors.

00:40:16: Spiegel medapal real humans and sometimes we make mistakes Windows mistakes anniversary Sinbad and passion

00:40:25: so why not to use technology Bildhauer

00:40:29: performance and what we are doing this for diagnosis of treatment to death is the man in the jacket for doctors using AAA,

00:40:42: the passion of the day you have.

00:40:45: Adventures regarding to the diagnosis and treatment of the off white.

00:40:52: Gemeinde advantage is the Treaty on patients with will get access to that on medical data.

00:41:01: Als Kind YouTube question Do you ready to healthcare data Tempel NRW.

00:41:15: Oh happy day oh happy day.

00:41:22: John Elke data and you can you cannot have access to them so that you cannot use your own research regarding your health or your design and they are definitely,

00:41:36: eichenbett today and nobody and Mister Eric Topol Rothenburg about you became the chief operating officer can I access.

00:41:49: Today on healthcare data type what the health and although treatment.

00:41:55: Hannibal Preisliste be treated and we'll be patient education Setup redirected in 24.

00:42:05: Where to start sharing

00:42:08: Health Care Data Manager abgebildete in the healthcare sector that is today the United States

00:42:17: but we have no go betting five years a database Exchange patients could easily get access to it

00:42:27: not by the way that you today that the the the the the right now Hospital of everything is you and close.

00:42:38: Reading Hospital Dallas Braunau.

00:42:46: Everybody you say yes I want that does not really want to have access to my birthday to you do not my own disease treatment

00:42:59: man sollte da diese Büro be the biggest impact.

00:43:03: AOD regarding patients getting the access to their own health get direction between local and passion.

00:43:18: Badeanzug bei atypischen intelligent healthcare system durchgängige schützende kidcontrol der Mission der Rebellen.

00:43:29: To sustainability Saugbagger

00:43:33: new drive the cars more money and if the work from Germany to know everything or die Hauptbasis Mäuschen.

00:43:44: Männer können we allocate resources when the most needed for the most expensive treatment

00:43:51: An advantage to page and try to not only survival quality of life.

00:44:00: Idowa Polizei Bad Hersfeld on the road with benefits.

00:44:07: Dackelblick all stakeholders and distribution of having nowaday.

00:44:14: Risiko Patient in hospital oder zu sonst be transformed into an nils correct that you have physical pain.

00:44:23: Indische Touristen in why is this important.

00:44:29: Anyone can understand that we have less than one percent of the healthcare data of the patients because we are happy with the past and present time.

00:44:42: Outside the hospital mit Medaillon Unicorn information when the patients go to hospital to see the doctor the earth.

00:44:52: To do an exam and sorry we can.

00:45:01: Und genau wie bei on the new technologies to boost the information that we get compassion.

00:45:11: Sorry that we have a date formation on the hospital Virtuosität expand.

00:45:19: Got you travel from patients with viable

00:45:23: Of what is happening outside Hospital ecosystem and is mean and completely new direction.

00:45:30: New data to 1 white and used something that people know want to know more about their own body

00:45:38: body composition mai exista desideri Pyongyang without of my efforts to stay healthy to Heaven by the ocean,

00:45:49: mit Arduino Android genau within the birthday that don't want to stay healthy

00:45:59: ewigi Liebi Markus hier nachher sprechen

00:46:07: bett1 patience.

00:46:14: David Gilly ba21d Society und Tipico.

00:46:22: Pedro USA breast surgeon and the champalimaud Foundation in the forefront of Science.

00:46:30: How long does the transformation take what is your protection against the data.

00:46:44: Riding the next five years robykuschel expect that I Daniels.

00:46:50: Debtvision of to to access to healthcare data usage aus wenn der Bauer raus.

00:46:59: Real international Medizinertest wie sollst du sie denn ihr die genauen und wikingerbar.

00:47:09: We need to check the violin Cover j-wright.

00:47:16: Ist die Stadt MTG Ehepaar Priwall evation E24.

00:47:21: Survival without recovery of white is used to question everything is published

00:47:33: Leningrad autocenter24 Methode Houston.

00:47:40: Niko Niko 2 Winnie Puuh Daddy's technological to be be helpful.

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00:47:52: Major die Technologies in Ottenstein to be used on the daily practice commendation Song.

00:48:04: Talking about numbers in my research and we discussed yesterday Brief Leon on LinkedIn

00:48:14: The world for two point three million new cases of breast cancer.

00:48:20: The founding Revelation for me

00:48:24: seems to be mainly an illness of Western societies because according to the am World cancer research on the top ten countries with the highest incidence,

00:48:36: in the western world.

00:48:39: LED bei Matlab bei Belgium and followed by the Netherlands Laxenburg Denmark United States.

00:48:49: Have you got an explanation for that.

00:48:58: Medium life expectancy us for the most of the people by leading edge and heaven T3 JX minute.

00:49:07: Toupierbürste Power Ranger Wiki

00:49:13: enter know people with the name of the one identity Iris kommt Depeche Mode Lady,

00:49:22: now we taking nudity severide too many to treat attack of the Seas.

00:49:33: Nordico wie sollte ein cancel my way that the street is it is a product of agincourt.

00:49:43: Na kennst du alternating bosses die sollst du villeggiatura lifestyle.

00:49:49: Meaning died cancer risk is mainly affected by our lifestyle.

00:49:56: Video example in Japan Gerste cancel ist David Amann.

00:50:04: Eine Figur to the United States in terms of the justice cancel cancel

00:50:12: der Coverband in der digest irgendwie seit gestern in Nauen.

00:50:26: The pen citizen move to you have to be in the way.

00:50:32: Japanese immigrants Status shit in the state the first generation remains in high level of gastric cancer is the second generation.

00:50:45: Sky to have higher incidence of colorectal cancer and Tumor incidence of gastric cancer and the second in the third generation they look like American sind dann sagt er

00:50:58: the citadel cancer incidence in the changing damage.

00:51:07: Er lauert exchange in cancer incidence from a high prevalence of gastric cancer.

00:51:15: Überhalb reference of the right to cancel the breast cancer.

00:51:25: Breast cancer incidence.

00:51:27: Bikeline Po Alkohol meine Mutter Teresa Heim relationship between cancer and alcohol consumption Reset.

00:51:36: WC-Sitz wächst mein Sohn muss doch zu boosten bei Vollmond entfernt.

00:51:45: Transform into Sergeant major.

00:51:51: Ja bei weiblich oder HD gebracht kein authentisches how Autokennzeichen to change a healthy environment.

00:51:59: Apron environment Zigaretten Surgery.

00:52:04: The hackbarth's Alvin yubari summertime blues that will transform into students.

00:52:14: Ist Nienstedt this that having more students

00:52:20: Steam error man gut aus so wird der Passion investigating a breast cancer about the hedge.

00:52:33: Lifestyle exercise stress.

00:52:37: Überset don't eat at the right time we don't sleep sleep well Vitamin K

00:52:43: Rang weißtal der get people into the vision conditions that can be cancelled ich Baby kardiovaskulär hipertension.

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00:52:58: i know the reason you can't touch that is starting Goseriede in Europe and the United States the handmade die Dinger regarding aging.

00:53:13: Route specialitet appointment dachte sie tun dies das weiße Menschen die Brust man Charity ein Bällchen NAJU Herr Doktor,

00:53:22: Antony Wecker Stiftung Berlin been created Umbau zu lifestyle

00:53:27: zu Hause bootpassion song and all output presentation on the right track to.

00:53:36: Erdem tree mein can bist du zu start at school kids.

00:53:46: Me and the youngest AutoIt world of so in our rooms Möbel.

00:53:54: Retail Mediterranean countries have the best diet to have the world Support going out of range.

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00:54:22: Rechte Bauch fühlt Stecker und Hauttyp.

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00:55:19: vorbeischauen.

00:55:26: Mit deinem Schreibtisch wie viel diesen to stay on highway.

00:55:34: Eva irista absolutely agree with you I'm fine look at this

00:55:41: Statistik but with over seventy percent of all new cases at one percent of all death observed in.

00:55:51: Women age fifty and Upper West terrifying does it mean especially women Lift really wrong live.

00:56:02: A1 anrufen.

00:56:13: Under Delpy and I'll believe in freedom

00:56:16: bedaius zuberi get your freedom in the package the responsibilities and the concept

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00:57:49: Eingabe man in Wattenscheid countries of ways to make new posted in Hypertext.

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00:58:37: i'm getting into a new job and Amy in healthcare insurance policy and I have time it is my way.

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01:07:53: Thank you very much doctor who you were and then I wish you all the success

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01:08:09: tschechische Währung in deine weite Youtuber Siedetemperatur von Hombrechtikon everywhere I went with you here.

01:08:17: Thank you very much you listening to the special English edition auf der große neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle Barden.

01:08:27: Emoji talks to pioneering Lidl guacamelee making a world smarter greener Rennfahrer.

01:08:34: More information please visit Double You Double You Double You Sybille NTV.

01:08:41: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

Exploring Revolutionary Ideas to Transform Our World

Der Große Neustart supports the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative, envisioning a just and sustainable society for the 21st century. Ranked #1 in 9 countries, featured in Forbes as one of the "Top 10 Trending Business Podcasts," recognized as the best German-speaking podcast, and listened to in 110 countries, our podcast spent an incredible 12 consecutive weeks at #1 in the USA Non-Profit Podcast Charts.

We are a trusted platform for groundbreaking conversations, where global leaders and changemakers dive deep into how they are reshaping industries, healthcare, business, education, technology, and the social contract. Guests include visionary thinkers like Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum; Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator; and many others—from tech pioneers and the world's first Water Envoy to Chief Heat Officers and individuals revolutionizing life on Earth.

Join us as we uncover the ideas, and strategies that are driving systemic transformation and creating a better future for people and the planet.

von und mit Sibylle Barden, Publizistin


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