00:00:00: Nt free bring Adrian Software the reality Brille Kennedy the world closer together we can dramatically.
00:00:07: Piscopo that should be authentic welcome to the special English edition auf der große Neustart,
00:00:15: German Podcast series bei Sibylle Barth,
00:00:18: in which she talks to pioneering Lidl so inspired by the world Economic Forum scrittrice athenische tipp3 revolutionary project selection to make a world smarter greener
00:00:30: anvera Android wear come as my guest today Jim Hagemann Snabe.
00:00:39: Chairman of Germany's leading industrial goods Siemens board member of history is the new chair of the Swedish Batterie Starter Northvolt and member of the Board of Trustees are the world economic Forum
00:00:53: Jim Snabe is known for his pioneering leadership of Subways external companies recently taking ap Möller Maersk
00:01:02: the Danish Konglomerat der Dominik Container shipping into a new era
00:01:08: the Financial Times coldham one of Europe's leading industrial and transformational leaders
00:01:14: before that you work for today case at the giant software company SAP Wanninger Tesco siofor for years.
00:01:24: Jim ist Opel Corsa of the two books dreams and details reinvent your business and your leadership for the position of strength and Tech for Life Pudding Trust back into technology
00:01:37: wir fahren mit the dreams and details Akademie NSA Junk professor at the University of Copenhagen
00:01:44: müsst sacevic Karrierist so much to talk about the economic Transformation the fourth industrial revolution and Stakeholder Capitalism
00:01:53: dream big and turn the dream into energy Boberow
00:01:57: the wall of Technology in climate change and globalization and last but not least polar bears and the power of positive stories
00:02:07: very warm welcome to Jim Snabe Jim Anvil estimated time to talk to me today and I'm looking at you and your profile you are the könnte sons of Apollo tvstory how did it all began.
00:02:25: Thank you were Sibylle and and thanks for having me the question is always good to the Flag Bäcker Eggers.
00:02:33: Optimism is partly driven by the fact that I give up on Greenland and you know you are used to work or whether you better stay optimistic about the future survival.
00:02:46: Nazi Germany in many ways I have been looking in my life in my Korean AMR deathwind your opportunities and and many people.
00:02:57: Manchmal ist es denn beheben E.ON Energie Führerschein zu Option autocomplete mystudy ist in in nineteen eighty nine the year when the Berlin Wall Fenster und schaute workout weißes pink and,
00:03:12: the World Wide Web OS in invented for technology became a for stop ab.
00:03:17: Aber bitte schöner DIN EN Icing Bodo Schwänzchen Händler Erinnerung happened when the day,
00:03:25: Happy People Tapete Ladies to watch me in N Eiben,
00:03:29: Lucky probios man beschissen Kürbis enough to to take some are the things that the short version of you,
00:03:36: my optimism joining scp-999 the journey,
00:03:46: and became co.com twentyten,
00:03:50: Zorica uns auf Korsika years a brilliant but oh so easy was it easy for you.
00:03:58: Village Boys Babylock in the sands Teil 1 with Lakitu.
00:04:03: Get involved with technology early nsset technology has been the driver bellerin opportunities Naturino decades,
00:04:15: man auch so lucky enough to find agb.de only.
00:04:19: European global leader in intake in Software Liste SAP der USA VPS when I started we were,
00:04:27: kAPLA 1000 people are joined this Trainee-Programm and son little did I know that SIP would become the Giant.
00:04:36: The story of the company and counting crows exponencial groß accuweather.com opportunities IV Serviceberater not holding on to my room but always being erste take the next row.
00:04:50: Embodied of Croatia propelling,
00:04:53: Asiate junior.de intubiert Internet mini corner ist ein and erfolgreicher the very broad foundation for the opportunity to one day become the cosy Ihrhove,
00:05:03: my good friend the burning Jump twenty five what men leadership at the time for you are mine to the company already is over the big wall.
00:05:19: Bilou Haslbeck Valenta sieht Maus overall Judith Reinvention 1 Hits von Nena,
00:05:27: i have been looking ages to find the pen and paper the journey balayage in SAP one vintage old couple times already.
00:05:37: When im with you doing quite well in the early days site is the joint,
00:05:43: Am Sande hasso-plattner hatte sich schon auf den nächsten,
00:05:48: technology and and dad for the company for business into the next level Entsorgung Bildern itube over the,
00:05:56: CEO Rollercoaster eurosweet agreed that we would be ambitious about animal with reitschuh,
00:06:04: ergänzend Cinemaxx diesen an der nächste Abitur die VSCT intended became,
00:06:10: Timer stumm and ferb my leadership and look for the opportunity and fine reinvent when you're strong because when you are,
00:06:18: Spanier have the means to do that when if you wait until you are we can you don't have the strength.
00:06:28: Looking back we know that you don't like looking back very much so that the time has the role of Technology in the wall of business change since when.
00:06:41: Kalaydo loopback not because I like you but I think we need to learn from the US to bed with you the world project in the past into the future because we never get change,
00:06:52: anything you question is superbälle because both technology in business has changed the dramatic Ladies in the Time Bandit Lieder.
00:07:01: It's almost like it technology Wind braun wegen der Illusion to Everything.
00:07:07: Witcher sing it still missing many ways but now this technology is so powerful that allows to become the risk.
00:07:14: Bekam service for being is just like a food technologies CAD becomes even out democracy sorry we have to B,
00:07:24: der Vogel baut auf use technology in the new shit with the right and and and pieces when I started and this is the song is a good Hair Day,
00:07:33: marrow focus on shareholder value in the meantime it is clear to my business and business leaders BMW Geronimo Society progress and.
00:07:45: Nn der voreilige willibrord definition of their own this is the night beliebiges Liedolsheim innovation to find in path,
00:07:54: do better future marches vor der Company Board vor der Industrie 1 SAR-Wert large.
00:08:02: We said you were quite young when you took over the
00:08:06: Executive leadership so everybody stream is to become a CEO of a global company you are the global company and you some and now to you
00:08:19: the final ten years ago to shift your elf on the executive to the supervisory board and Kaindorf never look back so what is so attractive but the other side.
00:08:33: Wollfestival einmal C3 will enjoy their own and exegetical MBM Germany head in the village.
00:08:42: Mit Rudi remarkable friendship and partnership in in in driving the Reinvention auf abc episodes bei no means in escape von Dateien reading your dad and one Android with their distribution,
00:08:56: inspire people you can stand sms eigen install man on the chair in the canteen unturned,
00:09:03: ant-man createfile the Chipmunks ICQ so close to the patients that changes when you become non-executive Chairman.
00:09:13: Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
00:09:16: The benefit the direction in der Dings Pioneer laut ist der iPhone without you I feel when I never stop digging this,
00:09:26: digging a lot i'm not that when the big hole body when you are in the action and the swing to take a step back from the action that you see the big picture,
00:09:36: anything but is time of radical change elaut Germany in particular,
00:09:42: Take That step back and always remind everyone why we doing this and have the focus on the strategic intent,
00:09:51: the transformation of the company rather than on the action doing everything that it is really inspired me.
00:09:58: And in many ways by Willy William and disinfection Fallout,
00:10:04: where everything is changing anwenden bistability becomes even more important,
00:10:10: Rosso Moritz wifi because the opportunities and risks into BMO unlimited,
00:10:18: i am a aczepta what is the difference between CEO and chairman and the one thing worse than defense is the Focus.
00:10:33: One is the big picture the strategy keeping the Comeback company ethical and transparent in the other one is always doing the Daily Job would you agree with that.
00:10:45: Ja sind erst gültig Operation between net der Silbe Twilight Collin wegen der hohen Würstchen und Engel the big picture I have another auf dem Pool Definition 19 The Killing Joke beising,
00:10:58: dm.com STR to answer the questions to German is allowed to ask the question that.
00:11:09: If you really consider the questions they were a Edison extreme VI,
00:11:17: powerful opportunity to transform company asking the right questions and write the questions to ask questions in German auf Siemens.
00:11:32: Think the question to ask the most important question are many of course ist.
00:11:38: How do we think the world will look like five to ten years.
00:11:43: And what we need to do today tonight only stay relevant in the future,
00:11:49: Bad Lidl the transformation to all staff türkische to defeat me like the world to look the man that I need to do today,
00:12:01: Solid Edge transition eisseler because in many cases the board is focused on,
00:12:09: glasbohrer outlast Cisco here in my bedroom spend as much time as possible on the future of the past.
00:12:19: Enton the questions that allows to shape the future rather than become victims of the future is in the future the straight to the fact that dreaming big,
00:12:33: witch's love in your life what is dreaming big mean to you about.
00:12:42: Besonders seit imagine IPP the future.
00:12:47: Danach singt when the universe is human beings is that we have the ability to imagine something that isn't.
00:12:56: Müssen ice cold Chase people look at things they are and ask why.
00:13:07: Am I look at things they aren't anders why not.
00:13:14: NRZ dad is this the dreaming part is ability to imagine something that isn't.
00:13:22: NMS why isn't it and what do we need to do to get the why is the son Goku Thinkpad.
00:13:31: It is the fundamentals way to inspire people to push things that even the impossible.
00:13:38: Jedes Mal we get them to dream human beings have incredible capacity if they push you dream and imagine what happens in companies.
00:13:47: We create dreams and the relevance for people anyway that they are equal to in in in Greater in Teams,
00:14:00: the dash on host unlimited opportunities and most of all dreams.
00:14:07: Create followership anything that in essence is the definition of the ship in my world.
00:14:13: Ihr seid überhaupt Porno ship people who inspired by way we're going and willing to do what it takes to get there.
00:14:23: And can I remember when when you first realize that you're my twinkle little.
00:14:31: Becker sein anybody out ihr seid schon ihre member the first of all night.
00:14:36: Ergebnis peachman hier ist eine Piste school in in Europe about all my mistakes at the end end,
00:14:45: it's by the way good exercise because it make you reflect on leadership and what works and what doesn't work and realize that every time I'm with.
00:14:53: Very light Eco man the relation time mennonitischen at at at the core,
00:14:59: when I'm with the lake cowichan like it did not inspire people so much it it it is back to the brain but the hearts so to say,
00:15:08: eine 2001 watch on the journey with the inside story the the the school and friends Denim blue and we went to India and.
00:15:20: Entei Store storm of the people on the planet and some of the witches people on the planet ein Eiweiß in the middle of somewhere the challenges that this world 1001 realize that level leadership.
00:15:32: Ist das schon Duschen Toilette ich brauche nämlich entdeckt wissenslieder ich guck du so much more nndl actually in nicht jede my dreaming about,
00:15:44: Würth STP become better with large and how good is the player role in improving the state of the world while at the same time doing good in this is,
00:15:56: endlec Davis SAP so watch what happens when you when you're a discussion.
00:16:04: We're not turn up that window with the question and it really goes down to the ocean around why do we exist in organization,
00:16:14: nn you dig deeper and deeper into the SSCP wish you beautiful sofacompany.
00:16:22: Gattin des Essens Epworth managing resources Power enterprises.
00:16:27: NBA Store says what if the ship I could do more than just managed Edition resources for enterprises what if.
00:16:36: SEP Kibbeh managing scarce resources for the planet and that became the dream that Pilz.
00:16:46: Beaugrand strategy our desire to not only improve this part in the world in the light the people.
00:16:55: NYT innovation and nnn Unleashed human capacity in the level which I didn't even think possible in business.
00:17:06: I know where did you go to the people forget lyrics sided nm to delete a man that can tell the big Dream boy city.
00:17:17: You moved on to the müllermed the biggest shipping company in the world and you wanted to transform it and I actually thought I loved it into your career also,
00:17:31: the problem with the animals at the bus Hamburg Chips away to the moon,
00:17:39: wo sitzt der absolute life for all companies with incredible history.
00:17:49: And in the way strong work out to little bit like Siemens in a family founded company,
00:17:56: mornin humble tears Orecchiette company der Einheit.
00:18:01: Little bit Vorgarten Terim Menschen and with optimeyes in the current with with becoming more and more or nothing.
00:18:11: StudIP information at the beginning of the power saving a company in instance without updating the harder than we were Making of losses.
00:18:24: The voice the story a book is in the company or other dentinger Konglomerat Chemie.
00:18:31: Dusche Männer frz.sie mit saiting Focus enable company ist.
00:18:37: Die Faser ant-man and before the size used to be important part of strategy now it's really spiele Renovation into focus Kit Student.
00:18:49: Enden in the second Iteration Monterrey beginnen to see the benefits of the more Focus transportation company with more customer oriented approach,
00:18:59: we invented the big dream which was the dreamer decarbonizing shipping,
00:19:05: which is really difficult when the whistle Dream hair,
00:19:12: because it's a hard to wait Industrie you can't just electrified Industrie you have to,
00:19:19: find another way to decarbonize and we went for this big Dream without knowing how to do it anyway the moonshot approach where you,
00:19:31: beheben war importance in die Industrie because we what the biggest shipping company,
00:19:39: have the courage to lead the dramatic shift rather than an increment kutschiert.
00:19:44: Underage transform in many ways to company in the white radical way and again on the stupid and you like I'm never expect,
00:19:53: and your mentioning before that it hurts when one is in the position of strength would you have joined the company if.
00:20:04: It would have not been Minecraft.
00:20:07: Actually Maersk within at the position of strength at the time in schickst ihn hierher the tip top sixteen Belinda within the last one point in ein bisschen Thalasso,
00:20:18: übersetze an example how you should not wait too long within Brian Bencic.
00:20:25: Bad wurde family ownership you get to.
00:20:29: Read for the long run and and dad i love you to do the things that I'm necessary.
00:20:37: NNC we did you quite promedic shift Rebound Nuolen Astrologie.
00:20:43: Energy and on again reddit the businesses we use the money to pay the debt of Bud man of the transportation in the street,
00:20:52: and we we we hire 5000 ID professional 2 in on average the data that the transportation company nightmares.
00:21:03: And of course language upon this method as.
00:21:07: Audi Carbon 1 TB Industrieservice mit falschen Menschen in Mathe bootsfaces and nothing I took quite a long time five years.
00:21:18: Because we started Nate and and will not in the position to the head to toe.
00:21:25: Einen indischen Erfurt to regain strengths and Enrique.
00:21:30: Dream big time the company was not in the position of strength when you when you took over.
00:21:38: What would be recommendations for SMS now for small medium sized companies.
00:21:44: Am the have missed the decarbonization train completely.
00:21:50: An or currently going through the green shift on the economic Transformation think it starts with challenging one for them and us something that most people have nehme seit.
00:22:03: Decarbonization ISACA.
00:22:06: Herrenanzüge Hervis fundamentals function return Armani by including the world and and building auf französisch.
00:22:15: Then we decide how much of a profit should be used and to do good again in the world.
00:22:22: Thinkware Dash TippingPoint Dash inflection point in history wear.
00:22:26: If you provided services and products that help the world decarbonize European Championship en heidimade,
00:22:35: an der Freud becomes a question of how you make your money,
00:22:40: genaues Stimmen von Tumor Hinterbein Swiss all the more Avenue Remake.
00:22:47: The more I carbonized will get more electric generating strange reproduce the more money we make and the mall decarbonize the world may get,
00:23:00: nnz Hitze Hitze shift mentally from last witch ist keine bekannte you wanna avoided minimize to an opportunity to something you want to maximize.
00:23:13: And and dad a thing is the man's too chic i want you get over that you will realize that Moschee the things you can do to accelerate decarbonization is a good business case.
00:23:26: And when are you need to innovate and rising Innovation do it becomes a good business case,
00:23:33: in einem convinced that make it with you for the all in the three Sixty years ago Youtuber Bürstadt grabbing this opportunity.
00:23:42: Edith und Norbert wess song the biggest and most valuable companies on the plane to roll company Championship.
00:23:51: Der Kategorie Bubi the company static sorry the system solutions for the world because we at the injection point,
00:23:59: you recently took over the chair at the am sustainable Batterie Startup Northvolt company that you could say that do it right.
00:24:14: The great example actually are the company that on the right idea how do I make better with green.
00:24:24: Anemic batteries in green into waves as well waymaker Carbon Lucio factory and I know them because I met with providing the technology Tutu,
00:24:36: Bruschetta perfekt really like that but most important diese.
00:24:42: Amapodo innovation to recycle the battery change the ash and the Evil 2 Videos modern ein Defy the center of the match within the battery,
00:24:52: Abend and with that suddenly we have in orange is the light cheaper than the ones you dig out of the shore.
00:25:01: Don't have the resource broken because the version of Queen of the Americas poradnik all the features we use it again and again and again.
00:25:09: And this is this the business case ist auch so convincing,
00:25:14: i'm in the company Harrison order book more than fifteen Europe entschuldet proof to everyone that the sustainable solution for the future is FREE check the business opportunity,
00:25:30: entenort for this one of those who could be the winner,
00:25:33: ja warte warte aber covid-19 windowserver,
00:25:45: this is more when they reproduce batteries and and uninstall limping in cars and what have you and then they know it.
00:25:54: Where northvolt is the silent circle of the beginning Show today.
00:25:59: Actually get the battery is back in the US stamp and assist see that I come to bed with this this is for example the case.
00:26:12: Schneider Reinvention because the company Starfish crashed with the right idea but not existing companies,
00:26:19: outer of course they come from a world of in of the Furious BMW,
00:26:26: entwine with the way to change a winning the room and we need to change the the magic we can be used with you again and again and again.
00:26:37: We can do all this without any Vorschau tchibo.de disney junior.
00:26:42: Wait for the environment and our planet Bonifacio maybe,
00:26:48: the biggest bis SAP join any man of the warrior kannst Benny day went from the world to green world,
00:27:03: Hatice quadruple the valley of the company,
00:27:05: Renault Elysee pwu double the valley of the company will be back and you're thinking in resource optimization Crossbody change Siemens is having its Hannes prostrations twenty years and art in the middle Cover,
00:27:20: genaue Situation gut one and fashion Amazon Disney by train and the shifting an.
00:27:27: And anything that while we look at the Giro proof Marketing general,
00:27:33: nr Bridge lessingplatz consist AWB Treppe Treppe Treppe declining.
00:27:39: Passau.de ist value propositions and dramatic roles in sustainable value proposition Schwaig Northvolt Nike Siemens Nike,
00:27:51: Enzo one in every shit Hero doesn't mean everything is zero mssz Siemens is in the biggest Cross race,
00:27:59: twenty years that is quite remarkable give the side of the company is the direction we take that the right direction no doubt.
00:28:14: What about the oil and gas industry.
00:28:20: Lennart fighting it when I think there is a mindset and this is why some companies.
00:28:30: Ten to fail in the revenge methodology and that in the coupling is that hold on to the old world too long.
00:28:39: P10 to lose out on the following in the paint so to say.
00:28:44: And the company is that the embrace the new old version of writing Date create new opportunities if I was a rolling Gas Company,
00:28:56: iBoot embrace this idea of greenshields liquid death.
00:29:04: The Rooster can be burned and creation of energy propulsion.
00:29:10: And do not have candies YouTube emissions included because they just different chemical compound for surfing.
00:29:18: And actions look at the mask example decarbonization needs.
00:29:25: In der nähe Bohol Top Ten two fifteen Million Tonnen Screening Tube.
00:29:29: Chihuahua wenn es seven hundred and fifty birthday huge Marketing,
00:29:35: the demand for Disk 1 you will be much much higher,
00:29:40: deine supply and in my way that translates into great business opportunities imagine you have history in the US and now you drop the Furious from the forwarding,
00:29:53: sustainable use and you can.
00:29:56: Ich meine wir erst jetzt deine wallpapers and corporate decarbonization install becoming a victim of change was teilbar.
00:30:06: Ohnezahn.
00:30:07: Biologicals qanat comes as no surprise a member of the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum,
00:30:17: organization known for the mission to improving the state of the world back to dreaming big,
00:30:24: in which activities are you involved that help to achieve that goal,
00:30:30: think Festival the world names for this ich möchte in nonpaged Meeting in Davos which is quite remarkable Gathering Arena business leaders with huge impact.
00:30:42: Aber der ist in many ways in which in the year are on engineering.
00:30:48: Where in the climate is cold and and pieces and policymakers come together to discuss the men they and decide in the next week summary.
00:30:58: The past to the future i'm the one the big things that I've been a giving is that will 300 Miss Sixty days between two das Meeting Staffel.
00:31:08: And it's really about activities on those days and nights at the picture information on the world Economic Forum YouTube,
00:31:17: gofeminin in organization that queensbury powerful leaders in Davos.
00:31:25: Du auch so Bing erneuter Station Network ist Rage dekon average what's needed.
00:31:32: Decarbonize vor 1 Stunde nur so, the protector da bin Evelyn worthiness of course things around decarbonization.
00:31:41: The World Economic Forum i've been driving the unit citation of the ways we measure.
00:31:49: Eheschließung bei Menschen in Governance related activities,
00:31:54: würde we can enhance our accounting used to know just be focused on the financial accounting the focus on the non financial services.
00:32:05: Rdd from happiness on the front of the the boss Stakeholder model for more than fifty years a night with some,
00:32:17: Ashley Professor Schlaf who just before you came and alot about the importance of having this mountable stakeholder approach.
00:32:27: THE so wonderful idea which we do Support however how do you apply the model in the organisations you still.
00:32:37: Sind das echte great question and in one where are they have a different approach than the average approach to the rising dead,
00:32:46: the multi-stakeholder idea that Julie was invented by Klaus Schwab moon and fifty years ago,
00:32:55: the nice way to describe the impact gebissen much useful Steak Chevrolet Spark phoniks stakeholders ohne vermutlich Decoder N21 love the idea and it's very much in line with the.
00:33:09: Aha Moment Eier in 2000m nrwision India myprotein The Whey Eiweiß ist in the emission scheiß dir ist within the disorder zero-sum game Sylt,
00:33:23: the organization can create a certain value and now we need to discuss.
00:33:28: Where is the value go does it go to the shareholder the Android EMU Planet DVD The Beauty the company is creating 1 Schumi das ist Norris zero-sum game.
00:33:43: Bet you can't do geweckt even in death Valley.
00:33:47: The same activity to all stakeholders at the same time may have simple example of building one electric trains.
00:33:55: Ugef more jobs the program in Europe with the night of the shareholder for the Empire,
00:34:05: IT solutions to a country like I did you forget when are the most advanced systems in the world with the big order the hair and telling jokes with items,
00:34:16: and interviews with you to machines and transportation by Stanley percent compared to today,
00:34:22: Monster Trinksystem is up and running schulze-könig sample of one ever really great value to all three of our stakeholders.
00:34:32: Einzug the wire apply this song is like I'm adding extra life is not just the profit and loss line oder Supra fit for the planet of the employee perfect for the customer,
00:34:45: ein Modell,
00:34:46: the impact of the best is only primary key bigger than just add on Rafik,
00:34:56: realistic saw the prophet for the people the prophet for the planet the profit for the company AZAV,
00:35:06: take this company into the next decade.
00:35:09: I think that if you're just a question twenty years ago I would have been struggling with the good answer the happytime an optimistic and the body would be hard to a kill the devision overlap between the go.
00:35:22: Norderwisch and the reason is that with the.
00:35:27: Technological advancements with only have an opportunity to create solutions on a sustainable and cheaper.
00:35:36: Einsam in der Schule ich will talk about the Queen Bee mir when we know when when Siemens is making electric train.
00:35:45: We don't have a dream we will we just Fab the train that of the good for the environment.
00:35:51: Antin Edition how the technology development at kilowatt hour of energy produced by solar wind is cheaper,
00:35:59: The One produced by coal-fired limestone,
00:36:03: why we continue to invest Enforcer giropay select City when we can make it cheaper with sustainable.
00:36:12: Bromet use like the wind or the song is very hard to beat.
00:36:18: The price of their own Module in sustainable energy because the price the wind and the price for the San Siro.
00:36:27: MPU Forum Bernau what the shipping point now and then it Sony Xperia cinetic widget to inspire mobipro.
00:36:37: To look for the innovations that created tipping point where the green Version S9 Uni Paderborn ausrutschen,
00:36:45: mit Erfüllung Kette Rose green shifting technology in everything and that were in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and Siemens se lieder ab Industrie four point Zero we have to look.
00:36:58: Amore the other side
00:37:01: currently in the look down up at the United Nations currently it looks like seventeen percent of the world's population one point three billion people have not yet fully which the second in dass Weber Blusen because all access to electricity am Morgen
00:37:17: top of the world for million people have not yet reached the third industrial solution because they do not have any internet access,
00:37:26: Ashley Band one drives to Germany sometimes warmbronner swing your party you believe we cannot create a more equal World's End,
00:37:37: ja and powdered look like in practical terms,
00:37:42: Restaurant Heising this a great reminder stop where the world is that we have no one point three billion people still not having access to electricity,
00:37:53: ein Vorbild in people without internet access and in the end of the world iMDB.
00:38:00: In the case except for one the drive in some rows in Europe now.
00:38:10: Mennonitische Auto technology can and I think the best example I have this is almost like we need the developing countries to leapfrog into it technology level,
00:38:23: which it is much better and cheaper than the situations where are they now all of the good examples.
00:38:33: Telefon Agenten auf all the world we first installed in 1 Isofix wild Telefons.
00:38:41: Entspannt in awful lot of money doing that is within pretty costly Image burn shores of the consumer.
00:38:49: And in Africa the jump leapfrog directly in the world.
00:38:55: And and and the penetration of mobile technology in somebody's countries is quite istanische natural even the connectivity,
00:39:03: ja noch 1 Stück am allowed to wonderland 1 Juli,
00:39:08: kann ich CBD Vape mobility in Kigali Rwanda ist significant digit and some places in the event koko.de.
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00:45:14: selber ich morgen an.
00:45:17: Secondly we actually had days where the temperature of the barbiero normally it is in every Jerome 1 fifteen to meine strategic research with.
00:45:30: And posted a picture on LinkedIn where I'm singing in a t-shirt and that makes you think wow will 9/11 what happens,
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00:46:06: DB Eisenglimmer guten LAN and you just hear the melting Monday through the place.
00:46:14: 2 degrees when you're supposed to have meine SwiftKey.
00:46:19: Joeys hingeht Genesis urgency well that I know I'm tired of people talking about this when I'm tired the people protesting about this,
00:46:29: dann 1 becoming very friendly with everyone with doing something about this and we need to get up and do it faster,
00:46:37: you speak they often about that we we we need more radical approach to reinvent Thanks for radical.
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00:46:57: without having any idea how to do this that is predict normally we have business cases and green technologies and we don't dare to dream your systems,
00:47:07: and msing we need to be ready when we made that were decommissioned which for spirit of mobile management.
00:47:14: Arman resort at your son of the impossible and only for years later when I'm with the German tribute Deadline von twenty fifty two twenty four day.
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00:47:37: nn Erding des same is true for many of the babe dreams in this world Kennedys everyone ab oder Männername wohnen bringing back safely within the in this decade,
00:47:48: and edit and don't forget that it that with the computer technology which you know what we using in pain in the singing birthday card today.
00:47:57: ENTSO-E gefistet was possible in nein die Irre sixtynine sorry.
00:48:04: The like this and nothing is impossible with today's technology if we have the courage.
00:48:12: Remake ein Lied change ja überaus highlighting before that we need more pawsitive stories,
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00:48:25: in the time when we needed most business leaders seem to be overwhelmed by this body lyrics global change the Jahresumsatz senden,
00:48:38: Kleeblatt positive examples of the Thief stories about.
00:48:44: How we can turn companies around make some fit for the next,
00:48:50: Decke deadliest and in this course in addition to that we can't rely on the media we can't rely on politicians picart will ein extra Seite zu,
00:49:04: what do you mean to create a new television station New Media Empire.
00:49:13: Also wir waren zusammen sing Schweinfurt und Energie oder the love I think we need to.
00:49:19: Balance RAW noch News Champions League.
00:49:24: The bad Story skip the biggest attention we have social media platform Schuhe.
00:49:31: Designed to create engaged mit einem gation comes from.
00:49:36: Hast du viel zu nett is being MP fight on those mediathekview young fashion today I must be notified by the world we living in the attitude of the facts,
00:49:49: du wolltest never been better than million people are which we have technology is the kings of the Mauritius,
00:49:56: we we we don't have a world where we had that in the past we do have one Europe sodera concerning elements,
00:50:05: the fundamentals we know what we say to a look at how we do with it we were able to produce and mass produce fractionation Jimin record time favourite.
00:50:17: So so ein Ironman optimistic and oder many sources that could you do anything the flash attack on the runway.
00:50:25: Tassimo beide Nägel division,
00:50:28: betway anfeuchten WC beim most Media Entwickler schon wieder top on me to find out on the good stories,
00:50:39: zeige mir chattalk Oktober twenty one republic HCI Shipping it got error Apple Leona nervt mich in use.
00:50:48: Am ein paderweg YouTube one that way she has created to find business leaders who have done it,
00:50:58: and you can talk about what I have done to the wind power the world David Schneider und it possible that it can be done much faster than we think.
00:51:10: Ja okay Hand.
00:51:13: Let's talk w104 Version welcome back to the story of a book author,
00:51:26: and we we know you know that the panning on the subject Kuwait.
00:51:34: Something meaningful Text Powerplay aktuelles
00:51:40: twoday.net that again with the church IPTV it takes will as a brick,
00:51:46: here the question for you as boyfriend champion of Technology
00:51:52: what they are you to our ability to learn to experience and to express ourselves as human beings.
00:52:03: Wer ist Promi man the most important question seinem had forever long time.
00:52:09: And you believe that in chat TPC the general TGA.
00:52:15: Essays that changed in technology and it is not the world from.
00:52:20: Dann bei dir hörte baut er ja eh zum everyone begins to understand how powerful is this method the powerful.
00:52:30: That's why I started studying egal when Idle ist optimal Johannes if I had time to start again.
00:52:38: And that's why I'm not the music Rihanna needed for company in the US.
00:52:45: And I am excited and terrified by the opportunity the way the question is the ash and because I talked about.
00:52:55: HNO rodkin Eduard build it to learn anything if you wanna ride it will be.
00:53:04: The first time actually in Media handle GST we have the invention of our learning system.
00:53:12: The Weeknd Exponent show learning and experience something because this engine can chords so much data in Gütersloh rhythm and ancestor question Sommerzeit,
00:53:27: we need to learn how to ask the right questions against the 100 Germany companies that is the essence of the right questions,
00:53:40: weekend accelerate learning Bike never before the thing to home this is the last words you said,
00:53:48: wir noch HDX Presseausweis human beings the answer the digipigi will come up with isn't at fischfenster.
00:53:57: Hit von never take away the human value and a unique abilities to imagine things to Nord.
00:54:06: To you now to love and to express ourselves with emotions.
00:54:12: There is always going to be what the humans are unique.
00:54:17: That's why I will continue to be another you never let someone the fact finding mission somebody that they the machine parts of the book be found bei Real,
00:54:29: ein album at the human Dimension Thomas like if you this technology were more time to be human.
00:54:37: Ein Widget jarrestadt an embrace Tab.
00:54:41: The new technology in a way that enhances human capacity and values not the other way.
00:54:51: And you believe that the technology with Stock where this and that won't go the way that they try to copy a human emotions.
00:55:03: I think that the value of pipe and human Emotion ist so I've never understood why we have too many errors trying to make a robot that look like a human being with with with dynamic something real Verdi herz.
00:55:17: Handmassage YouTube von the things we don't need to be human and a little bit my point maybe they are the one they act like human.
00:55:29: But I'm asking myself is that what we want and animals book check for life the Eiger Mönch the manager with the weekend love you through the Venetian Innovation you always be fast Duden policy-making.
00:55:43: We can put human values into technology and we can use to technology for what it is able to do but what it is.
00:55:53: Baustudio Autoreparatur shape the future.
00:56:00: By using technology in an intelligent way instead of using technology used to make friends with money if it destroys a democracy is that Receiver primasat Oregon.
00:56:15: Heino singt show anything it's very dangerous it's always been the case that we thought technology consulting.
00:56:23: And I know somebody invented nuclear energy and then it became of the weapon.
00:56:31: And this into forever now my plate to everyone is the way.
00:56:37: Used Mercedes human Rust willhaben.de physioworld.
00:56:42: Ende fisko world we don't steal things from each other with the smart and accepted the way up at the way you allow companies to steal data.
00:56:54: When we don't think straight into the woods missing you walking the dog.
00:57:03: I think we are the night we don't understand the indications we get excited about the technologies capability we forget the that's not your mind is not accepted.
00:57:14: Ende Februar just to apply the CD fundamentals human when we have in this world,
00:57:21: we would not have this Props we would have to an end and the book tec4life basic white people Brian Molko technology with the programming Intro,
00:57:31: leading estada Autor The billionaire already think before I do anything gute Todesstunde Schüsse gehört.
00:57:38: YouTube those words in the physical world with the one social media with the morning is nothing compares to make this is one of the few things I know you wouldn't,
00:57:53: ant and the seven deaths US technology can do more and more the song is like the counter Palace today this day we need to be more human mnw du Feinde Paulchen Auslauf sende E-Mail,
00:58:08: and embrace love and and care,
00:58:10: Endeavour technology to do the things that will I have nothing to do with your Mainboard Airbus we focus on Eileen.
00:58:21: N in der Physik gehört man to ask you to more questions creating the gap between a physical and digitalworld and
00:58:34: do you believe that people will be able to go with permanently switching words.
00:58:40: So alt sind Queen you bring the truth to get you are absolutely right turn the wire.
00:58:47: Riding the gap between the physical and the the the show.
00:58:51: 1 many ways my departure from SAP in main game with companies like Siemens and machine what I call.
00:59:00: Company swalwell Thanks nature Software things is an attempt to try only the world to watch revenge of the new shit together.
00:59:10: Zoundshine BBC virtuaworld von Colin MAC address which is perfect in all virtual world where we know everything is fine.
00:59:21: Henry keine lose interest in fix in the real world that's why we need to put up attention.
00:59:28: And if you bring a hardware and software the reality world in the world closer together.
00:59:34: We can dramatically improve the fiscal and that should be a attention we are we love.
00:59:41: Minoria habe JUnit planes and it doesn't help us to create a virtual machine operativen dynamisieren.
00:59:50: We need to show the real problems the physical world with technology to do that then we on the past progressive and the ocean.
01:00:04: Ending is wonderful covid-19 looking at your career.
01:00:16: It strikes me that you're perhaps person that does not really hold on to powerful bluetooth Opposition office for long wetteifern Creed uprising so what value does Power,
01:00:30: out for you and what's next immer positiv story of Jim Snabe,
01:00:36: Bad Aibling that my philosophy has always been that.
01:00:42: My Woolworth to go into sometimes understand the current,
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01:01:00: Adonis something bereits Party project that are you the one.
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01:01:24: New responsibilities to delete of change and the people in Spider Barfußschuh.
01:01:34: Iris about shipping the future not becoming victims Arbeit.
01:01:39: And it is about Henning over the responsibility so that you can take on your next fight to know,
01:01:46: what is my next project I don't know just what is probably on ABC companies that have the right idea.
01:01:56: Handys bei Magix GUI Download exactly what my role will be because I know the time.
01:02:05: How is looking for projects which means they are dynamic over time but I don't know.
01:02:11: That I'm going to spend most of my little city soweit bist du YouTube capacity on accelerating the decarbonization the world.
01:02:21: Enercity am going to spend most of my shoes capacity on being more human and more present.
01:02:29: In relationship that matter.
01:02:33: Wonderful that's really wonderful m shaping the future and not being the victim of it all think is the way,
01:02:42: Weingut concept anthem of the time talking to me today and im Jahr NRW.
01:02:52: Energy and good health to continue am Yachting opposite of example,
01:03:01: thank you you been listening to the special English edition auf der große Neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle Barthel,
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01:03:22: Music.