00:00:00: We are in a global crisis where I have to look at them the system-wide.
00:00:05: Questions and Release Tag question in the foundations of the global society.
00:00:13: Dannhauser global economy is constructed wickelshirts sustainable bin bei der finnischen die Knie ist da Lied Panda.
00:00:21: Paint welcome to the special English edition auf der große Neustart German Podcast series by sibyllenbad.
00:00:30: In which I took the pioneering liedersuche inspired by the world Economic Forum Script Reset.
00:00:36: Red Revolution project selection die to make a world smarter greener.
00:00:42: Anführer der welcome Azzlack Homberg.
00:00:49: President of the Sami count so in Finnland.
00:00:53: Das haben wir people are the only recognize Indigenous people in the European Union Youth Edition and territories are in the Arctic.
00:01:03: Because the polar regions are the control center of our climate system.
00:01:10: Round eighty thousand hmip-broll unknown on the exposed directly to climate change but to the politics of the green deal
00:01:20: es übel hier vom Áslak See
00:01:23: Saami suffer the consequences of being occupied by four countries Sweden Norway Russia in Finland which means that cannot exercise the right over their own land Olaf Lingen.
00:01:37: But now things to their own strong movement the same like.
00:01:43: Many of the vorne seventy six million Indigenous people are making their voices heard in International Forums like.
00:01:52: United Nations of the International panel on climate change as like speak at this is the new meeting of the world Economic Forum waymate.
00:02:04: Significant impact
00:02:06: we are very honored to have you here today with others like this so much to talk about Let's beginn with you.
00:02:15: Colors something about your life.
00:02:17: Yeah thanks a lot for inviting me jahannah Birthday Goodgame.
00:02:26: So if we look at the the state is over Samantha
00:02:32: indigenous people than as you said in your introduction we are divided by four state borders
00:02:40: underneath we are Indigenous people that means that we are not in charge of them
00:02:48: sehr Institution Stadt Governor of traditional and
00:02:53: Song even if we have ml representative Institution stamp the same governmental bodies the same Parlament Stanley
00:03:06: don't have a very strong position when it comes to governance of land-use and out traditional practices so
00:03:16: our representative Institution salmarina Position TUM.
00:03:22: Be consulted the present view the island the final decision regarding.
00:03:28: How it is impacting Sammelei Farbe Seide Dezember decision-making Paris this matter with us but it isn't the majority population andere Institution.
00:03:43: Services of course every defining factor when you when you look at the same sms one people than we are
00:03:52: working on the words for different and national governments trying to get there
00:04:01: our views are included Anna write the respected Potsdam.
00:04:06: Batterie-service in ongoing but alive ozeanität
00:04:12: der ist serviceable in many different fields of course I'm not mentioned
00:04:18: the governance of langsam waters International and livelihoods but of course it also comes to the natural language.
00:04:29: How can we use of language what is the position of the nine different the same language is that we speak and then.
00:04:38: Jawohl ging netto what's the right to be able to use your mother tongue in the official
00:04:47: Communications as well as a ensuring that down our children and you are getting to the same language is in school and they have some material to use in the indication
00:05:05: so um
00:05:06: ja we have Lotto worker to you regarding a college or MMM what comes to any recognition in respect of War right
00:05:21: you say that the same people living for different countries and we mentioned that before the Sweden Norway Russia and Finland and.
00:05:31: SWAT condition the same everywhere.
00:05:38: No I would say there are quite some differences in in different countries on
00:05:47: ändern wir auf Kosten the stories are we there is lots of similarities Teroson national differences what comes to the
00:05:59: the the relations of the nation state of the same people so there are differences what comes to you
00:06:08: recognition of our position as Indigenous people those who what comes to the end
00:06:17: functioning of iron and governmental institutions ändern also what comes to the end.
00:06:25: Datasoft M&M samy in the in the school system there is quite a lot of differences from country to country ändern.
00:06:36: Ja Aufguss Sauna und der ist wieder los oh very heavily divided by by the border between Russia and the
00:06:46: finde Norway Sweden Services & Fronten a very big and back Factory impacting on our cooperation and innovation is is quite different way down with the someone on Russian Zeit Probeabo CD-ROM
00:07:06: Woyton signifikantem national differences.
00:07:10: You live in Finland zu Haus die Situation Land am.
00:07:19: What are you people are you doing New wars of income.
00:07:26: Urlaub Koh Samui everroll traditionelle livelihoods and traditional economy sind 20 Zoll Auto Samia.
00:07:36: Getting the remaining come from.
00:07:40: Aigis what you would call my immortal northern contemporary livelihood song for example my
00:07:51: Miami income comes from an NGO Song WM
00:07:57: Guya Playa project funding and anywhere on different kinds of project Service just to give an example that down the road when you don't get the remaining come from traditional economy.
00:08:11: Aufgerissen in Dose to play a key role for example hearing.
00:08:19: In may may reach the rhythm.
00:08:23: Reindeer hödingen sms one the one of them are the use the rhythm of the territories NICI dis-ag livelihood DVD Region.
00:08:35: Also
00:08:37: well we have no experience the big Candy klein in the Simon Stokes Patente Salomon used to be
00:08:45: important part of our traditional economy Boots by providing food security but also ähm.
00:08:55: Ja der a lot of small Sami tourism business is working and through the salmon fishing.
00:09:05: So in industriestunden especially on the finish seitdem also tourism isn't something that has become Unkräutern.
00:09:13: Signifikant partogramm of the local economy also fordern und Foto Sami families who work without field.
00:09:26: Über sein Zeuge innovative song an der hautnah especially with the reindeer and the summoned fishing.
00:09:38: What is difficult to be talking year climate change government what is difficult.
00:09:46: The ladies of multiphase DDM Problem der facing or many different problems Potsdam.
00:09:54: Well what is now most pressing erholsamen Urlaub most involved in the field of salmon fishing so of course and we are now in a situation where we bene.
00:10:09: Old English summary Song we will have the whole fischeri close to the Spinne.
00:10:15: Noel fishing alauda for the next in for the past two years which means that we have no.
00:10:25: No way of the galaxy single most important than the Sorcerer of the nation what is old not very important cultural
00:10:36: Signifikanz Forester the Salomon Song.
00:10:42: So mindern Salman stock sauer declined very rapidly in the past few years old and Alice m
00:10:51: linked to climate change older it's hard to pinpoint denn der exakte cause-and-effect
00:10:59: ben Button button in everything is pointing towards the big changes happening in the ocean analysis data impact and the survival of Salamander from the ocean Migration soldiers Naturi turning in the numbers as they used to be Song this is something that is happening throughout the Arctic
00:11:23: so ja das ist so something that is really taking our
00:11:29: altarnischen alle economy Sam Perry the one when you are the most important and
00:11:38: resource Odysseus Emission away from from LAN.
00:11:45: Ja in Kammer Nosoden in der traditionelle way of making a living and getting food for der untere Song this is really really great things that we have now experienced.
00:11:59: Shoot for the winter you talk about the reindeer ride.
00:12:07: Übersetzung why I understand what what is the problem with the reindeer.
00:12:17: Well and lot of the regions on heavens door that the experience them in the past years the summer in the past decade or Ulm or an experience singer Lovestory
00:12:31: axis The grazing Land Song auf Kos one item has been happening for the cage bisher.
00:12:40: Die Frank Einzel oder Kombi dicken Forum so blendend ist der Darm
00:12:45: simply just taking away territories from our traditional use older areas that there in the world in the can be used ever been getting smaller and smaller
00:12:58: Moderatoren SRF changed in the past and.
00:13:03: Nikkei danivan the past few years that the more and more in the Rolling Community Server
00:13:10: starte feeding the reindeer during the winter season because then The grazing is blocked by by layers of ice and snow because we are.
00:13:22: Experience and more and more and changes in the winter when there is only when we have the Zero crossings von snautz.de melden wenn.
00:13:33: Wenn Freezes Agenden Latte wearing your pastries have been locked Andreas Sonderegger.
00:13:41: Levent Erdem a way of finding oder servicekontor embracing based on reindeer Herding isn't.
00:13:50: Going through some are very big changes know that many Community server to start extra feeding the rain during the winter season.
00:14:01: So wie sie saxli.
00:14:03: Unexceptional winterbeker Sam in Moosthenning Communitys erklären kreuzblüten grazing conditions
00:14:13: Laterns Livecam something you will discover discredited m nowadays we get the
00:14:20: one good year in ten years Twilight we used to get the one but you're in the Thirty Years so it is really change.
00:14:29: Genau und der AARON more difficult years for Ranger define the food and then.
00:14:36: Ja wenn nichts bringt Salat of extra the pressure run expenses when you have to the supplementary feed the reindeer so that the wheel survival through the window.
00:14:47: So do understand and write you to my sources of income.
00:14:55: Am been heavily disturbed now and.
00:15:01: THE Sami people in USA Personal the Council react in what way
00:15:08: jawohl richtig auf Kurs talking about da wird traditionelle economy ist senden an der Küste Tür HAVAG hier oder in in our food security and having Bouldern Karlsruhe Land
00:15:22: importance.
00:15:24: Of course there are a lot of other respects dreamhouse army community service making a living Services mein Lindner fokussieren unter 120 schnell economy
00:15:37: Soja Aufguss live experience dann continue experience in the room
00:15:44: heavy disturbances under this getting more and more challenging the Erklärung
00:15:53: Jamaica living through the tradizionale.
00:15:56: Economy ist im Urlaub jesli if the whole fischeri is closed and there is no no way of getting any.
00:16:04: Salomon sodalis and completely out of the picture Song das ist really.
00:16:12: Hey hey fundamental change in the series 9 in the rebirth Sami culture and traditional economy Song.
00:16:22: Bad MED Soltau
00:16:24: quite the challenging the founder solutions to which is why we don't know exactly what are the changes under dimensions with the musalman deinen Herrn.
00:16:39: The it seems like the biggest changes have taken place in the ocean so that when we come to the situation that we would have to impact
00:16:48: The or improve the the situation of the Salomon in the ocean and the health of the ocean ecosystem than we are in front of the ocean complex tasks
00:17:01: so ernten what we do if we try to understand this used by through different them bodies are just some and the same konstruiere come through the Arctic Council which is mm
00:17:18: biotechnology Corporation bodywell we trade in.
00:17:24: Formulate ways of working together between some knowledge Adresse ändern online research scientists in order the Creator.
00:17:36: Knowledge so that we wouldn't know what the issue is how can we address them what can we do you.
00:17:44: Under the dome kommst du denn her changes what3word Dimension time for example how.
00:17:54: Our Illusionen modern traditional territories to the different kinds of industries ananau days.
00:18:02: The biggest MR Mister The Green sheep dann renewable energy mining in the streams
00:18:11: Erin mindat phil we work with with a human right Song
00:18:16: we are providing support the Community softwareprozesse forum for legalon advisory with your best and provides support for the man auf sorry.
00:18:31: World through the human rights body still Support Community sign in Sheridan Tower rides a respected also in them in the green shift
00:18:44: Jan itor gewartet dürfen News auf Land can you give us an example yes.
00:18:54: Where do you wanna one example man related to the Grinch if the wind power in the stream which is the.
00:19:04: There are already quite a lot of the wind and the power plants in the territories and more and more or plant an.
00:19:16: Ändern Uhrwerken biggest Inländer wind power plant in Europe Edis in Sammi Territory in the fusion of the south admin under
00:19:30: Radieschen.
00:19:31: Problematik Torsby Kostüm EVN RIS taking for wind power on production the neck deep Münster die series lost from them from the sun meme
00:19:43: communities from their traditional use because the.
00:19:48: Example with the frozen KC Design the winter pastries of the reindeer that was taken for wind power development under
00:19:58: The Ranger just don't go to the starry any more than this area is completely lost souls was M.
00:20:06: Concluded by the Supreme Court of Norway in this case was started with WhatsApp
00:20:13: sajam a great disturbance Studenten Sony community that they will not be able to continue practicing the culture because they lost so big part of their traditional lands
00:20:27: service is one.
00:20:31: One example of a losing their territories from the traditional use is having a heavy impact on on a community in the way of working in the traditional er kann doch nicht.
00:20:43: Antike sie manchen Hause ist ist Windpark YouTube versand.at.
00:20:52: Davos in front of some ja of the world's leading business PayPal.
00:21:01: What was their reaction to it.
00:21:05: Brillen at least one reaction i got the one that people wear
00:21:11: learning for the first time about the fact that mm winpower
00:21:16: Köderstation academind Aktionen in einer Community level circulation insta-dri sootopolis Anderten.
00:21:29: Wind Power Ranger need for green shift is of course something
00:21:34: vanessa ist müde dann kann ich das auf dem Felde das sind also irgendwie würde solution Button urteilen war studies Nacht automaticly positivi geschieht kann halbe der bestellten impact Zone Community level.
00:21:48: Anos Obernai highlighted the the supreme court case from Norway the nightingales newsforum
00:21:57: latam Business representative statt MR national legislations might not be sufficient to enjoy the ride the same people the casing
00:22:09: in der Posener wind power plant because even if the company is followed oder national registration in the procedures Putin plays by the state and in stiller the the wind power plant was considered
00:22:27: Lidl an der an der license was considered invalid because
00:22:32: the temperature level the temperature some consider the human rights violations of the same people tried so this really
00:22:43: highlighted the damned national registration is currently not sufficiently protecting the people's rights analysis of course important and
00:22:54: perform for the business and point of view because if you cannot trust that the national registration sufficiently protected
00:23:04: the interest of sunny PayPal dann bisschen Salat of insecurity like how can you invest in something if you.
00:23:11: Ortsschilder even by following all the rules and regulations that you would be on the safe ground Song.
00:23:20: Disco Song Song something that people received within the great lover surprise der daxleitner
00:23:27: nothing after following Liebe nationalen Relations Patte international BSI dorosol when when considering Samen Investment song the same territories.
00:23:42: Ja wird SAW.
00:23:48: Interesting point you say it is been declared leg and and Sparrow.
00:23:57: The wind farm is there nothing changes in now you you.
00:24:04: Bring the farm to the international community of United Nations the panel for climate change and so on.
00:24:15: What is the next step for you.
00:24:21: Girl with a specific Game Case MX big challenge in the sea what are the next steps because im
00:24:31: Anne weekend ilkacase to International Court
00:24:35: Defender nationale Gurtsysteme fails to provide and out come that we will see us there respecting alright
00:24:46: but it is Casey Experiment the curious situation when the Supreme Court Axel I concluded that the the same rights for the rhythm.
00:24:57: WhiteWall broken man that the company violated the right Sendetermin the construction is illegal
00:25:06: but never the less even if the license is invalid in everyday this and this wind turbines continue operating so in this case the problem is the originals
00:25:20: state is failing to follow up on its own supreme court ruling.
00:25:25: In this case we are in a position of where we haven't been before where are actually we have a national anthem in our favour this day this actually
00:25:39: not following up on the zone wünsche Dir Siri bodies decision ccm.
00:25:46: What we can do is this a highlight this is one and remind the stated that this problem is not going away and then there is no need to just come up with and without evaluation Server Overwatch Autobatterie Skoda
00:26:03: clearly the actor regarding the the court ruling sorry Justin
00:26:08: Ray and bringing the the children are the different Arenas an Andri mein Dings oder die Täter sind Disco Wayne.
00:26:18: Axel brings me to the end to the point that since the green shift is happening.
00:26:28: Everybody is saying all stakeholders of society should have said at the table and if we here I am.
00:26:40: That we talk about Indigenous people are often called the Custodians of the planet.
00:26:50: Oh you treated Ersatz and have you been included in in any way.
00:26:58: The green shift and setting new standards and creating new laws for the planet
00:27:05: one of close any involvement yes we have a Thunderbird bottom
00:27:12: ich für arolas Custodians of the planet is properly recognized and I don't think we are we are there and have you by e-mail
00:27:23: Madame Amina
00:27:26: if we look at the also the same territories the it is mainly in the same traditional areas where where we haven't biodiversity Jana
00:27:37: an modified and natural landscape which is a whore cultural landscape.
00:27:44: Sort list in in practice Wilhelmine.
00:27:48: Garding the serious man Anja protecting them through our old traditional use Song.
00:27:57: Indak waywayway.
00:27:59: Our world in the words and protecting our traditional livelihoods and the way of using all territories than we are also working towards the protection of biodiversity
00:28:12: hoheleyer myself being involved in the UN Convention on biological diversity and the Indigenous m-forum online on biodiversity ändern.
00:28:24: Crusader down Moses Hörner in this and this convention which is then
00:28:30: The Maine global instrument for the conservation of all life on the way that we do have a voice we are the night we were
00:28:43: White Valley
00:28:45: included in the in the long-term Action Blender wursttoaster RDR denen in Montreal in December so ein using klettern.
00:28:55: THE Rossana Paradise shifting in the global Konservation discourse Witcher
00:29:03: for the first time this level recognizes mrowat indigenous peoples having in protecting.
00:29:12: Life on earth and also the recognition of one of indigenous peoples territorial whitewater Loredana nitrosylkation
00:29:25: Cannabis of course is link to our participation in in decision-making Ohr.
00:29:31: Or in other words that damn indigenous Communities should be supported Undertaker Konsole der areas and in a way that they see fit.
00:29:42: So we see something better weather radar LAN technology in the in the Montreal.
00:29:51: Diversity Framework so now you're in a position that we have the the the the the recognition is MI6 lebenden implemented.
00:30:01: Wendy you decided on the green Deal have the same people been involved in the creation
00:30:10: am am asking that because you.
00:30:15: After Oliver Kahn heißt Indigenous people in the European Union.
00:30:22: ESM song to my knowledge and the washing machine volume and in the preparation of the green Deal so now you're in a position that we have them
00:30:33: look at the different aspects of the green delancy
00:30:38: where they might be challenges mm regarding the Samurai channel culture
00:30:44: anno so how can we are enjoy the temptation of the green day listen and considerable override Thunderbolt so that it would be.
00:30:57: Alainas to develope our society in a way that we can consider it so that you don't be only.
00:31:07: Developing denn.
00:31:10: Majority society but also the death of cultural and traditions will be recognized and that we will also be included in Bern.
00:31:23: In dem Fall großes Evergreen Schichten an sustainable development.
00:31:30: And what would how the Sami people to be included because I assume that it's quite a struggle.
00:31:40: TSM will and when it comes to the European Union the night we are calling for having a more permanent solution for SME
00:31:52: representation in Brussels so
00:31:56: currently we are the only nationalities and their represented in the EU
00:32:02: dadaistisch living in the territories of the Member States so of course am Armin currently we have a new dialogue with education and then we have a more over
00:32:19: temporary solutions Wiggenhauser eventuri mieten Potsdam.
00:32:25: We are calling for more German and the solution with the same interests will be taken into account when the ring in the sky and policies that you have an impact on an awesome life as well
00:32:42: sorry habe gestern release Tara Usami strategy or it was an independent Think-Tank dadam.
00:32:51: Look through the car is on the possibilities and of the European Union and what we need to develope.
00:33:01: So be riding there is still a long long ways to go for having n1mm pre sense in the EU.
00:33:12: You are recognized by the European Union or got or have got that one.
00:33:19: Well I wouldn't say that there is the official recognition with the nation states have the weather with my lovely.
00:33:32: In one way or another recognized samy as Indigenous People senden.
00:33:37: We do things that my son ever more formal recognition of same as Indigenous People Song we don't think that is insufficiently recognise that
00:33:50: so from my understanding it begins and ends.
00:33:57: The Sami people with am holding the right to your own land.
00:34:07: Yes danese da dies of course the the the base is over over at the national regions to set me to sender.
00:34:20: Da dies what we have to have also in the future Racing Island for for our cultural Anna livelihoods
00:34:29: so
00:34:30: Jessi Gucci you are you write the descent samy Spargelsud Usbekistan auf den rooted in the land but also as many different and different aspects in
00:34:45: Quitten lagern.
00:34:47: Jade the governance of land but also the governance of culture and how are cultural Insider visible or invisible.
00:34:57: Jana minuten kolonialisieren Generali dieser badland Annan taking land from from the other people's so that is definitely Abdeckhaube besitzen
00:35:11: ja Amin Talking colonialism from listening to you.
00:35:17: Why don't you have you online because you have been the long before anybody else.
00:35:27: Yes well and Eminem we are rather small number people living in the territory the the the the the the the Germany
00:35:38: Andrea Russo let's see where non-violent or at least we haven't had mm
00:35:47: organized and military structure or anything of the sword an.
00:35:54: Unwetter so comes from the fact that we are living in the West area will great distances
00:36:03: so coole wild n out every nation Chevrolet Camaro Territorium zu Istrien
00:36:14: THE hasn't been the way you wanna know when stopping the twist and national anthem sorry having.
00:36:25: Ja in ihm das sind sie noch mal schön live Position an deinem Ansatz how we can be we became to be divided by one nation states.
00:36:37: Wandern auf großen Reserve Rifugio structural studies and.
00:36:43: Very difficult to intakten einen Button it has never really been Angola the sinister
00:36:51: Saami Moment Hasborn the moment I'm doing the right thing there is never been
00:36:59: really anymore having a state because some of the fact that we livin
00:37:06: Gelateria nowhere minority almost in in the overall traditional Terry Costa del Sol
00:37:16: zwei we are looking more towards the international law and ways of recognizing Indigenous 22 within the nation states in sharing Sultan wild Stewart Tradition territories an livelihood senden an Governance Kofferraum Karlsruhe
00:37:35: Sohn ist das Pinar Karakoc.
00:37:38: You just mentioned it Indigenous people make up the small minority of the world's population that they have the critical and sustaining the world as we know it.
00:37:51: There more and all those numbers are more than four hundred seventy six million Indigenous people are the world
00:38:00: spread across the countries and representing five thousand different cultures living in orthographic regions.
00:38:10: Matscheko Wells noncommercial Exportländer many of its remaining marilyn forest resources major rivers
00:38:20: fassungshülsen sources of renewable energy of found in a round the territories
00:38:27: Indigenous communities.
00:38:30: Áslak what would the Sami people do with the resources if you have the right to your own land
00:38:40: well I would think that in many many cases it would be missing you in the ways that we have been leaving of course an
00:38:50: considering the time that time were all summer the nice people on off Größe
00:38:57: well and technology changes an ist Mr Bean adapted and then of course that does have an impact on on the livelihoods song of the damned.
00:39:08: We want to continue working with them with livelihoods and always the base to the land and the water that will be in Balance Winsen.
00:39:21: Production Kapazität Interboot Eaton industries.
00:39:27: Ja gut federding in many instances input Mine protection from losing all territories because that is the
00:39:36: in many cases where the big and big challenge for us that we don't have the right to the orlando letter
00:39:45: we might be losing the making the case of the wind power development and how Autos in Project Server are rapidly increasing in the same Territorium.
00:39:57: So erzählen protecting Horror traditionell newsagents Terre
00:40:03: Auto Kombi telefon zu bleianschluss Stadt will be in one one level of protection that you could come from the view table the governor territories.
00:40:17: Áslak you're so young man so what impact has always on the jungle Song my generation.
00:40:29: UN
00:40:31: The very very the situation the origin and of course one
00:40:39: Ponyhof anderen yourself and your people in a position where I have very limited DM
00:40:46: possibility to impact our own life Ernährung future Dennis of Christ Ring set.
00:40:54: Insecurity regarding future ivf-labor.
00:41:00: Our life is dependent on decisions of a dollar sign priority solo a Dresden
00:41:07: dann bis ist aufgerissen.
00:41:11: Verbena marginalized Position ist nackte obviously Idealtypus Eaton Industries ändern.
00:41:20: Definitely this is something that I have been working with
00:41:26: throughout the the colonial history and present sorry there by no means a new phänomenal Song.
00:41:36: Of course we are not giving up then we are continuing the world Karten
00:41:42: our previous generations having building design space is for us also when it comes to then work on on Indigenous rights and the recognition of that.
00:41:54: Of course when when we come to the current situation then of course we have never faced Thatcher.
00:42:02: Graver change SMS Receiver.
00:42:07: Climate change in the year by year and accelerating sorry arilena in a position where are the one
00:42:14: what the what is the way the normies Asia-Imbiss appearing or at least this Penis from the questions and if you can continue in in a similar way sorry
00:42:28: like for example with the case of the sea Monster
00:42:33: was Radio rrapi the the the the Stokes man die kleinen so so heavily song I don't think anybody sorry to ten years ago that we will be in a situation where the whole view was closed Willi
00:42:50: going through Sammler
00:42:53: guten braun breaking changes at the moments O-Zone finitely this is something that isn't.
00:43:01: Ja bringing Lotto the lottery winning when I'm with you there's something that isn't the the bedrock of our.
00:43:11: Traditional existence in an area that can change completely so of course we Arena
00:43:19: we're looking towards the the unknown ja auf großem das ist so weiter.
00:43:27: THE BOMB yes yes.
00:43:34: Looking into the unknown and from the world you're doing in the Council.
00:43:43: Where do you see the biggest Support an.
00:43:49: For the same people that government is that businesses are NGOs in the society.
00:44:00: Urlaub und Jaden tamping positive developments in in many different day für Anleger.
00:44:10: The recognition of indigenous peoples rights SMA development very much in the in the past few decades.
00:44:21: Ändern.
00:44:23: Ausschreibung Zelda the the knowledge of the majority society in the countries where we live with the slowly increasing the people are becoming
00:44:36: Moravia
00:44:38: ohne dass man the overall situation on an of the lack of recognition of Rights.
00:44:46: So eine Zeder Terry Sam.
00:44:49: Rider strong for growing support and for the course of random.
00:44:59: Erinnern an authority society the letters routing and civil society orgasta
00:45:07: grassroot movement den andern building aber allyance is within the different actress.
00:45:17: In nur in one way there is there is growing the recognition of the state of same people on the run of the colonial history also impact Sauron and contemporary Situation
00:45:33: so am eiweißfäden bei Babys kann der Ukraine.
00:45:39: Interest and knowledge Xenoblade things and things we started changing.
00:45:45: Áslak you you talk about building Airlines from where I'm standing are you doing.
00:45:53: Ihr duijndam 26 hast vielleicht am just recently you have been in Davos is the President of the semiconstrained.
00:46:04: SV Salamander you spoke about the important topics like
00:46:08: unpacking the Polarkreises an Indigenous people and trade and at the dinner party you talked about being the custodian of the Planet so.
00:46:21: You and Topic clearly the highly regarded.
00:46:27: Anthem über introduced by the print by Prince Albert of Monaco and by the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate impact research.
00:46:37: Did all of that give you some hope for the future.
00:46:43: Du musst E-Mail und question eine Olympia senden.
00:46:53: Bingen Davos Migros m weiter etwas in different Katharina Dateisystem so eifelwetter.de an.
00:47:05: Speaking more or less about the same if you stay and Adam Ries Bikini whatever Arenas we are in the audience with someone different.
00:47:18: Batterie du hast Aufguss getönten rbb Sibylle in indiska in der VARENA NASA Menschen lotto-bw.de daneben.
00:47:32: Msr7 Menschen the damn you're not the family of the same people before that anything that is for the people that m.
00:47:41: Stillen Armani in Europe are on the way that there are Indigenous people in in Europe Song.
00:47:49: My Way du hast ja eh durch's good and we we had visibility and we were the indigenous peoples repräsentatives in Davos with you.
00:48:00: Never has there been so many riding the loving couple Indigenous people before
00:48:07: attending Kids Service Günter were visible also in the sky and all the arena starte the debate
00:48:15: globale ich schieß frommen from the economics Perspektiven and bringing this and human rights discourse into the internet for as well we would said the gold in Borken
00:48:28: Musik.
00:48:31: Am Polizei changing your message throughout is how to keep.
00:48:42: Na klar nett and you live sustainable.
00:48:48: The business for the message von the business Zeit wo es ist der in opportunity von groß.
00:48:58: How can we make things bigger better ingrina whatsapp.
00:49:07: Ja quatsch.
00:49:11: Ja Urlaub Saturday Jessica Sam
00:49:17: Armin Renner the eyes turned towards the the Arctic m homeland of indigenous peoples and is often through the economic
00:49:29: Perspektiven thinking how can we benefit from the serious.
00:49:37: When when we look at the
00:49:40: the status of the world and them in the direction that we are moving towards that we don't think that profits of the what will Soldan.
00:49:53: The global crisis Mandanten übersetzen on the contrary groß has been the course of it so
00:50:03: Dschingis Khan of questioning the approaching the economic approach is also.
00:50:13: Part of this discussion gegessen ja gut und wegen der lütenshof everything frugro speakers under the planet is limited under the resources are limited.
00:50:25: Wie heißt verschlimmern Wolf Dillinger Society werde ich sehr viel bei fossil fuels and and we know the disease and sustainable.
00:50:39: So ähm ja in green eminem global crisis when we have to look at the next System weiter.
00:50:49: Questions and Release Tag question in the end the foundation Somerhalder global society is constructed and how the global economy is constructed because if Satz hat sustainable gun.
00:51:04: Bei der finnischen Denise David kandert wesustain Ingrid Anadolu großer cindicator Rover
00:51:12: Dessau goldhelg overall economy because if we know that the cross is based on on sustainable practices them we know that this is going to stop a man going to decline so
00:51:26: invert finding more urban balanza Ausländer in the economy is very necessary.
00:51:34: My experiments they the struggle today is multilayered.
00:51:39: So deep work on me want to create sustainable systems and were looking simultaneous rail and remaining resources
00:51:52: Montblanc zusammen Witcher mainly occupied by indigenous groups and community.
00:52:01: Solides business leaders political leaders.
00:52:07: Want you to get stronger you are getting stronger at the same time they feed their obsession with cross.
00:52:18: The Hustler could be the best case.
00:52:23: Szenario for you think we have some very good the bases on the work that dam
00:52:32: Baustil for us having building this MR burn and recognition Autobahn
00:52:41: Erin dismiss people try the rights in the international legal Frameworks Weidinger
00:52:49: this is a good mm.
00:52:52: Bases to work towards so I don't think we're in a position where we would have to come up with the new ideas because we think that the base is Easter under.
00:53:07: Example if we look at them what is a
00:53:10: E-Mail Jared Evan and in the indigenous peoples rights movement System adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples Shazam.
00:53:24: Our kandovan overlook Overwatch Console write the indigenous peoples Heather in the international legal framework.
00:53:35: So we do things that the descent Declaration on the rights that are guaranteed for us in international law Larissa
00:53:45: what we are still working towards the system actually getting this right said recognized international registration.
00:53:54: Sorry we think that we would really get the wait for just by the axially implementing the.
00:54:04: The binding agreement Stadt mm the nation states have agreed to the truth international instruments.
00:54:13: The look at the sheer numbers am 11.
00:54:21: Indigenous people in the world together you're.
00:54:24: Bornet seventy six million people Jürgen Union past your people say you Arabic numbers.
00:54:35: Anything that the European citizens can do to help.
00:54:43: Ja letzte letzte Günter Weijl reflecting the the size of the Indigenous IMAP pro Globuli
00:54:52: auf Kosten European Union is a major player Globuli Mitesser
00:54:59: Natalie impact on what kind of policies to you have when it comes to trade what kind of
00:55:07: safeguards der EU putzen place and that have an impact on indigenous peoples to take one example
00:55:16: something we reacted to in December weather when the European Parliament was mm riding on the agreement on deforestation deforestation free products.
00:55:32: So from the SME policy the Indigenous Rights aspects wellwater down Song.
00:55:42: One day with mention of the right to be prior and informed consent before.
00:55:49: Forest Sarah Velden in Indigenous territories the the the the the.
00:55:55: Write reference with the remote from them policy song with this one.
00:56:02: Ampulla of how the European Union also have the responsibility as a global player to insure that day.
00:56:13: In verrem big-market einander die mantys and the feeling there are human rights violations ananasova in the kitchen Island son and territories Service kanzaroo.
00:56:27: Globale safeguards having a policy towards the implications of
00:56:37: Lenovo traded to indigenous peoples the night in the sky and the mechanisms need to be prioritized.
00:56:47: Die hat Oslo the story about.
00:56:56: The Disney Blockbuster and how you made the Sami people being really hurt when you.
00:57:06: Wie er dazu auf große Handy das Update bringt das one example Song.
00:57:17: So ein Lied wo sind die Indianer panadura Osten talking about Indigenous people and freight.
00:57:24: So I wanted to highlight the death one an example of a different kind of the Kollaboration work.
00:57:32: Ey global and entertainment the company men.
00:57:39: Engaged in dialogue with the same people picosong
00:57:44: uada Potsdam after the frozen one with ME
00:57:50: release denn all the same elements Burdon when we came to know that there are working on frozen to the end we didnt take kontaktieren
00:58:01: Ernte du Disney and set up if you want to do this properly then the only way of doing that is by doing it in cooperation with us.
00:58:11: Tandem Wind Louis Vuitton present our position that our culture
00:58:20: expressions are our collective property and you cannot use your property without us without consulting with us how did you get there,
00:58:31: so ein Sinken das ist ja gut example of how I managed to work together with the global and the company owner ensuring that m.
00:58:42: Saami culture Wasser respektvolle Rappers in the day in the sun a very successful and animation film on the weekend and agreement Dollar.
00:58:56: How to insure that there is some benefit-sharing taking on page because if you are using something that is on intellectual property then do your soul
00:59:08: nippelhaare some of the benefit the rising song for example then we got the
00:59:15: 1000 EUR in SME language exam.
00:59:20: Yaoi we gotta burn the chair Film in the northern the New Order couple different languages Excel in the movies oder was part of the benefit sharing agreement.
00:59:33: Also having the same interimskonto Disney Office System Service Wurzen.
00:59:42: I would say a first time that in the German global company kommst du in agreement with Indigenous people on ways of you Sänger.
00:59:52: Cultural property and Soul eating that wasn't good example of respektvollen an very successful cooperation big assembly
01:00:01: the third most watched movie in twenty nineteen sorry.
01:00:08: Börsenwesen z incontrarci before making the movie.
01:00:16: Willhaben kopierst du in they knew about us because the west.
01:00:23: Lemons from from alkalisch Roomba Temp
01:00:26: you say that there is still a great luck of the knowledge on the making Material the rights of indigenous peoples under
01:00:37: blood of companies and you failed to respect and indigenous peoples rights today.
01:00:47: Cultural Elements so we think that this is definitely something that m.
01:00:55: Where the rhythm and Raven lakowa
01:00:59: our knowledge and recognition that my research and cultural expressions and the the the the the produce and take.
01:01:13: Ändern in visconde gurkenspinne.
01:01:18: Un going in the international viel bohren and more than twenty years on coming up with the global agreement on how to protect them
01:01:28: intangible cultural heritage
01:01:31: connections Button even if this hasn't been a fruitful in der international führenden
01:01:39: Date remains to be a position that we are the owners of our cultural
01:01:46: expressions and that you have to involve as if you want to use some of those.
01:01:52: So ja denken bisschen diesem niedobor of recognizing the 13 coming April mechanisms on how can you respect for ingager
01:02:04: THE Indigenous people who are their expression Stacie something that needs to be developed.
01:02:12: N-tv Rossi talking about Airlines isbefore.
01:02:17: Getting together on the global stage with all in the Janis groups is there already an.
01:02:25: Change going on or is everybody move it into the new areas.
01:02:35: Nur der ist lot of a corporation going on a global level Livecam in the World intellectual property organization der Isar
01:02:47: indigenous Kokos an andere people who have been working there for men more than twenty years with NBC tschüss
01:02:56: MSN all that it's my slowly moving up Roses Song.
01:03:06: Gevenich Serrano.
01:03:08: Outcomes jättene ROC Latte the formulation of a auf Position sensitive and ways Server
01:03:17: Our respecting los Reitstall is the has been evolving
01:03:21: ja der findet lideri Sam global Indigenous in cooperation with with with you humor and cultural expressions
01:03:31: ihr fahrt know the whole story.
01:03:38: The same people in the bitte Bad Indigenous people in how the world reacts to it.
01:03:45: If you look at it is the President of the same Council what are the three most
01:03:52: important issues for the same people Zwiebelsaft in den Extras and what challenges do you need most.
01:04:03: 4well McD disse.
01:04:10: Boom over over greensock all green industries in the same territory see something that we
01:04:19: we will have to address in the coming years the innocent way
01:04:24: under the corner sitzt der E-Starter and sustainable development has to been also.
01:04:31: Culturally sustainable Annan recognizing the right to develope or cultural development Dekanat Kanada expanse.
01:04:43: Sojawürstchen combina pull the safeguards regarding the The Grinch if this and definitely one one priority.
01:04:55: Aufguss wer bin touching on on many different topics here.com.
01:05:04: Wanna Aspekte dem WE also want to see the sun.
01:05:09: Recognition of Iowa writers are the people and easy software IRM Lego Weiden
01:05:19: conceptartworld talking about or white implications all we are talking about the assassination their respect to the one the one the international law and indigenous peoples rights
01:05:33: so I'm coming up all the way Server how do we safeguarded on them on the national level how do we make sure there are mechanisms for effektiver
01:05:45: negotiation with the Samurai Soundtrack.
01:05:49: Englische national implementation of the People's right to self-determination is something better
01:05:58: SMA Mathe Meeresfischen Datum Momente in hinterm countries with Emily.
01:06:06: Sollten definitely visit this is something that needs to be in strength and in them in the spirit of.
01:06:13: Baum des Supreme Court rulings that everything with me touch the boss will recognise that some have the right to cultural so how do you work with your dad,
01:06:25: Soja my baby just Highlight dishonor on equator general level.
01:06:35: Du to the man.
01:06:38: This podcast is hurt in seventy three countries do you have a message for.
01:06:47: Bantam.
01:06:49: What can we do to support you and biomass 500000000 Indigenous People.
01:06:58: In the world.
01:07:01: Ja haben wollen seit Oktober the importance of building allyance ist so
01:07:09: Offizier campaign online support of indigenous peoples rights Oberhausen Indigenous communities working to
01:07:20: to protect their traditional and territories all of them cultural expressions error
01:07:29: in general there are the property then
01:07:33: you can support AWS kein Server local movement senden
01:07:39: in erinner Produzent das we talk the regarding the European Union a think it's important to require that they are a safeguards in place on
01:07:50: respect and indigenous peoples rights and this is also important England in the market the systems ensuring that then that the product that you use are produced in a way that the
01:08:07: recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples Service kann sowas Dingsda da.
01:08:13: Schöne BAM hast ihm immerhin election campaign solchen Birne Schülerlisten erstellen from politischen Zweck was ist der position on indigenous peoples rights.
01:08:26: Ja bis wo doch so help us to have a visibility and highlighting überlebt im Safe Kaldorei Toilette.
01:08:35: Reconnection Leben continue m Gardiner Territorien Anorak Assistent zanana living.
01:08:44: Practicing Autohaus in traditions industrietorservice kandovan knowledge and support this is needed.
01:08:54: Vallon des Notars Leykam.
01:08:57: Online can save you for your time and for your story telling your struggle the progress of the same people and what's needed to create Färber an
01:09:10: sustainable world I wish you all the best and.
01:09:15: Lot of energy and hopefully am Summer powerlessness will pick up on media & anthem Prepaid the snow support
01:09:27: so thanks Áslak Holmberg president of the summit Council in Finland.
01:09:34: Thank you you will listen to the special English edition auf der große neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle baden.
01:09:44: Emoji talks to pioneering Lidl huaca making a world smarter greener Rennfahrer.
01:09:51: More information please visit Double You Double You Double You Sybille baden.com Andi.
01:09:57: Music.