Der Große Neustart

Der Große Neustart


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00:00:00: Music.

00:00:23: Welcome to the special English edition auf der große Neustart.

00:00:30: German Podcast series by Sybille Barth in which I took the pioneering lied is you inspired by the world Economic Forum.

00:00:39: indische Tee.

00:00:40: Automatic to making a world Smart Arena Anfahrt.

00:00:49: They are welcome Thomas Janett CEO and founder of

00:00:54: Formel 1 Community director for German-speaking countries Michael Berger ClimateView created the world's first platform to support ClimateOS Station making

00:01:05: Cross Empire City economy

00:01:08: Hey Stan Stockholm der technology-enabled local government to understand and monitored the mission to the best past wait to net zero

00:01:18: and call a braided skill to implement comprehensive transition Plan.

00:01:24: Weißes importance of the global population and generate more than seventy percent of global energy related Emission.

00:01:33: Only recently that the UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres cities of weather climate Battle village Lady one.

00:01:44: Bolloxed,

00:01:45: ClimateOS operate today in one hundred seventy settings of the world's fifty cities in Germany and its been named one of the most innovative companies in twenty twenty one,

00:01:57: welcome Thoma in Michael in Sweden let's begin with YouTube.

00:02:03: To Kuwait Plattform that is able to identify the most cost-effective root to decarbonize City economy.

00:02:13: Da sind Eisspray minervaplatz healthCity.

00:02:18: Swiss dental climate Action planning and execution so Herzen set the girls and make sure all 11 agreement Bilder strategy and then enable execution by

00:02:30: accessing the Russian Vodka live im Park Wiki make and importantly Stock

00:02:36: beginnt das Zwerg the financial pros and cons of the chosen.

00:02:43: Glatte Mädchen 1 point and I want a little more detail.

00:02:48: So er ja keins kannst dir die Kamera hier sind jede Plattform one of the things you said

00:02:55: wer hat denn das daran dass der Discounter Kernbeißer thermosafe ein dass Goethe we will we will start with providing your base line up all your cities

00:03:08: gebe dir mit dem Rad zu dir von Bardowick nach Osijek swisscare Litauen we will give you a good starting point nation of Jordan

00:03:18: face2face City than the view with Position elements which Arcanum building blocks for strategy

00:03:26: where every position element and this is a model that describes one kind of transition.

00:03:36: Olympic is back in the future City one the one the one the one the great Ristorante löwenkampf Superheld Temple House of the devil to work we want you when Etna Reckenfeld

00:03:49: bobbiny CDU

00:03:51: shift the mechanisms with with with with you with me so I still want to go to work by one Fördertechnik in combustion and the cycle of the base

00:04:04: all Rocket cycle to you talking is the one the one the way I am.

00:04:11: Home24 hit them or kill them all we are efficient Remake von buildings want to eating so they won't go away from me

00:04:22: Adagio Heide GF porn pics by the way things people we know that thing that this part in the face Zimmerer kostet cities

00:04:34: ich habe das eben keine challenges BH sehe keine physischen Obszönität Gesicht von diese Schiffsseite skype ist ein opportunity for wird schon sehr schön so

00:04:44: John Waters vandewalle gegessen baseline beständige

00:04:49: collection and more than hundred transition elements each one of them describing One Piece schon sehr schön also in the between the games and the cost and the core benefits and the behavior drivers needed

00:05:03: Chihuahua to great deutsch-russische Siege

00:05:06: head of strategy components tagetik building box to building permit actionbar with.

00:05:14: Maps save a lot of time for cities biggest cities of the building blocks of the seven cities

00:05:24: so if I get going with using software I give you faster bassliner something the way of what car driving activity

00:05:34: dass ihr City have today Wärmegewitter distale diensthabende das transition elements pure combined will your climate strategy and then,

00:05:45: ist das denn vikipedio Rose projects and action

00:05:51: to help if value strategy and connect them to your starte die Superstars assessing if you if you doing enough to reach that thing you do the funk Paket

00:06:05: don't you give it to you you analyze this and your heart.

00:06:10: Immer Transformation ist seit seid ja exakte dies als Single same thing that is the full package because you're the only.

00:06:19: All the things I've been done before I have been spread out with spreadsheets Oberherr des und kein the mission and went to your birthday is not so good government intermittierend dürfen keine Position oder die Sphinx x = today

00:06:34: the spread across many different to the many different places so we're bringing together platform where all the things are.

00:06:43: Infected with each other Server One Piece Beispiel Service.

00:06:51: This platform shows me Kategorie like Transport buildings what's going on there is that correct.

00:07:01: Ja sorry ist schon sehr schön Elements ESVK Partyservice building blocks Weg am Weg am Ende

00:07:09: preiswerte in in in in the head at the numbers Station element to set.

00:07:23: Mutterstadt Ethik building blocks for Humanity und ich kam es zu building deshalb number Position Element ein wenig kamst du energy

00:07:31: supply witches of course they wake I know the number of the foundation elements that describe the shift needed Internet ist dabei.

00:07:42: Über talking about this complex activities city has 1000/1000 of complex activities.

00:07:51: The amount of data how do you break it down.

00:07:57: So in incebel in several ways soquesto already comes to understanding the

00:08:03: mich-Seite the Karben driving Activity the city that is sitting in the square meters bietet

00:08:14: those we we breakdown according to start this out there something called die Protokolle der Finsternis.

00:08:22: Will mich verführte der Finsternis breakdown activities into.

00:08:29: Hobby Kolkraben Corsa C static deswegen German and the carbon emissions and other emissionscode falling Star describing pictures of the base of Base life and then.

00:08:43: Berlitz schon sich schon ansatzweise können sich schneller Medikamente pieces which 100ms Leica Meister Boxen in which describes.

00:08:51: C shift lerntiger sampuan Schiff zum KSC.

00:08:58: Contains the data that contains then the styling of the nations and the what will they won't they benefit Beschäftigung damit es von Karlsruhe

00:09:11: what is the average commuting trip

00:09:14: Baikal MP bei Scott what keine Behälter drivers do we need make people make the choice to take the bicycle in the morning

00:09:22: ist der Wecker just the way to handle this master data

00:09:27: also with mortality emoji here comes on elements which item contains data.

00:09:39: The big money operetta.

00:09:47: Michael before I come to you I have this one was you too much because you're saying,

00:09:52: that time I am one to make people change their behavior.

00:09:58: So how do you make people James Apotheke.

00:10:03: Das weltbeste bitte das so much is an important part of the chosen the witch and the changing the Haven and the simple.

00:10:16: Make people Gold switch the bicycle bioaccumulation Hauptkampf the visit aus.

00:10:24: Durchfluss Beifahrerseite turkbase how much extra time distance mod.

00:10:32: How do people socially look at things work instead of taking the course of the number of the drivers mit Axel.

00:10:42: Dinakshi pretty well marked

00:10:44: Norwegian twenty-six SJ silicate research report describing people drive is where the DOM is inserted The Mentalist

00:10:54: beschneider Menzinger clear and ugly model very very pretty thing that were defined for everything Geschäft you can define number without drivers and to be really shitty.

00:11:08: Soll skizziert eigenwillig WTO ist aber zu beheben schiffsmanifest like cycling Wasser und juristischen bei dem Lied make everyday Bad Karma

00:11:17: artistic eating Station 1 going to decide on expanding billions on Ice sometimes I the rest is still a question of

00:11:25: what are the underlying.

00:11:28: Wattebehälter drivers for me to make that the station in das Investment hobbysqueezy Moderator der Blick.

00:11:41: Michael with you you are in charge of the Empire German speaking markets and 1 notice that in Germany alone you operate in Fifty cities how come.

00:11:54: Fängst du WLAN.

00:11:56: Natürliches autofinish the point of tomorrow of course there is only one thing in Germany

00:12:08: da soll mir Männertyp Dezembro biking Beruf kostet sowieso das ist.

00:12:16: Herrlinger City what is technically possible but of course they come the political priorities and what is socially accepted,

00:12:22: maybe in some places biking is really the city of iron Burger Freiburg Nevis Universität in Germany,

00:12:28: Vikings why popular there are places Notfallarzt roncallistift Toilette.

00:12:41: Ananda city can really am prior-design and religious Doppelpass Radio net zero to Germany

00:12:53: ist.

00:12:54: IDisplay Directory Salon traditional dark in the middle of the night is the federal states of the US have a lot of power of elastic.

00:13:07: Bahndamm anruf Corsa 2019 hab reitest du future Klettertouren bei Luisa Neubauer erinner

00:13:15: Zero Carb pressure on the unpolitischen everything now that we're back.

00:13:26: Microwave political process als Laura will ausziehen kenne trickle-down-effekt OData from the streets

00:13:33: lectins this instead of many local election have taken place.

00:13:38: Powerless bitte mit Chorizo shifting the climate of the fall this is very prominent of course in nm De Agostini.

00:13:51: Anan wie lautet da Donna databases the end of the week is much more support this days in the city has woken up beim Interesse Menschen

00:14:00: YouTube Alfonso German Zero which is the address to the nation which Witcher.

00:14:07: Navi Sperrung thelotter Verlag rumänische TV entgo Bürgerentscheides.

00:14:14: Restaurant bisschen Set Claire starkes montessori-verein the Paris everyonepiano das Pro Juventute onepointfive re zero.

00:14:23: Bonprix five degree or target but nevertheless the city the pressure from the street and.

00:14:30: Anna Loos progress fast be more transparency in their in der Apotheke Drohnen Stakeholder-Ansatz where I really can help to meet our decision making platform for the invitation.

00:14:44: Michael can you take as invisible Moabiter City successful Transformation in the way that alles nass understand exactly.

00:14:59: What to expect when they approach you.

00:15:02: tactic sound of the Heidelberg where are you for the devil within the town they have.

00:15:12: Yandere pressured by suicide and other stakeholders safety not working.

00:15:23: Mary Version außerdem du hast im Sale wir haben wir haben.

00:15:32: Billige watch on on the City housing like a machine that remained illerparadies running.

00:15:40: Eine kurze City Dance Aerobic in Durach Bademeister.

00:15:47: Ersatznetz streitet ohne download und H20 mormor.

00:15:52: Stefan duda 200 schon du hast aber auch Position Stadium du weißt wo der Weg.

00:16:05: Automodelle oder bevor das Wahlkampf the world today,

00:16:14: Emra we going what is our goal is after this one is the path with monsters

00:16:20: genobank Seekarte definiere something more emphasis on biking das amathus Avalon on an electric car

00:16:28: Santoni decarbonize the district in Story Modus release date of the call.

00:16:35: Ohne Gas behütete Energy Air original energy in the systems of the dead.

00:16:44: Kannst du deine decken Decken stop working with.

00:16:49: Eine kurze Visite du konkret reaction database Permissions from destruction the drive the change we we talked about

00:16:58: Andouillette bei in Hartwig Kommunikator planservice it's not just a game of the dog wear with the city in Hamburg.

00:17:07: Ja also wie meintest du kollaborativ frt jogging.

00:17:13: Group exercise like like genau back in the days in school where you can run

00:17:25: einen yandi needs to make everybody allein there is possible in the right direction and same direction.

00:17:32: Tenniskurs in der Autobatterie Portugal of progress monitoring

00:17:36: how to which tutututu understand and im down in the.

00:17:46: Hatte Mary complete levels of the world in the leading indicators ändern what can be done to.

00:17:51: Klaus ist gab's übersetze das Wort anders

00:18:01: was tut man wenn local Governance country you.

00:18:08: Dusica Maurice without clear target or REM asking that because you're a light on your on your side.

00:18:18: News Newcastle in the UK and they seem to be very clear and driven to which net Zero white twenty thirty,

00:18:27: sono Motors mostly outside of the sea the sea the way you work with

00:18:35: the beginning of Brothers live most ambitious man so the most safe and sound of target but not always sometimes we have to help them.

00:18:49: SSF einige damit als eben musste ich habe gerad.

00:18:54: And Michael Wurst Wurst mentioning the habit Dashboard.

00:19:00: Automation the dashboard in the Mayor's office at that look like.

00:19:07: Immer deine Zeit jetzt hat interactive climate action plan so that you at the top level you see you see the.

00:19:15: Kannte mich ins Navi going and I see the protection that is the way but the dishes to the dive into the transition aber man sieht schwarz

00:19:29: transition opportunities in well get adibreak Damen sale.

00:19:34: Vivantes fzs many with many vehicles Treviso des Managers Recyclinghof ist many building the concrete

00:19:45: physical change of the cities and you see the exercise and you see all the actions in place.

00:19:53: Tippschein gps goals des Tages Anjos SC

00:19:58: the target attainment how well you're reading this so that's the way the big picture.

00:20:09: 1 inch activity let's you double click on the way down to nitty gritty man.

00:20:21: Yes you were constater Center where are we heading and welfare and Release.

00:20:31: New experience over the last few years has been the biggest CO2 converter.

00:20:41: FTTH the big Log Industrie der Gärtner was positives Prime dental Nation Wispertal Lokal

00:20:54: SMS weg wenn wir z.b. Paul Wesley

00:20:57: over the top at the next year with the city transport and building its a different auf welcher Station in the tips and this is,

00:21:07: Iris Gerling.

00:21:08: Mannis juristik anymore Moritz of the indirect emissions das Kopieren the consumption Amazon consumption-based die Mission Zwillinge.

00:21:19: Tomaten Tapas Wien das musik hören

00:21:28: Bierstädter greenhouse gas inventories are not taking into account and imported emissions and the Industrie Mission Song

00:21:38: runaway very incomplete pictures without you auf koreanisch.

00:21:48: Just to say that this is now the topic with you more more than some cities.

00:21:53: Dethleffs vorlesen Immobilien stationary energy.

00:22:00: Spaßbad de civitate taking the counter indirect emissions consumption based emissions.

00:22:05: Pixel of the gerne Erwerb barry difference of the cradle of human consumption.

00:22:12: Am das ist wunder janosa woanders in mormoiron senden.

00:22:17: Linda George MC das Auswahlliste combined eine mitigation mit Adapter ist eine lose looking up.

00:22:23: Co-benefits between Toscana due to work with pink pastel and related the discipline set

00:22:30: ja du merkst dir geht's dir auch greenrabbit combination

00:22:40: contributing to the overall time changer Diamond Preis All Terrain solutions

00:22:46: to mitigate YouTube of courses of Mormon und keine E-Mail

00:23:00: City screenwriter Sorcerer just do today the food more than everything this is the strong by the remains a caminar away and more more.

00:23:08: Bleckede der Iokaste der Online biggest Image intensity senden sorry to the outside the territory Kentucky at the consumption-based nations that the thing thing is the City Taxi Harloff

00:23:22: Controller best Summer Cem in meiner die Lautstärke this is what we waiting for them and this is where city

00:23:31: Promi von many cities where I have are the biggest control or like we used to build 1 Note

00:23:37: Today calculated international trade with outside this method made some rest to death on the ground were really looking at consumption-based Emission.

00:23:47: Max practical and Morris and in this way much on the cities are then we can do a lot about

00:23:54: in Wanne-Eickel the question before you Medi levantin Twitch when the transformation works best so why does the transformation work best.

00:24:06: mich ja sowieso gestern blanchieren Monchichi

00:24:15: Arthur rewak liegt in many ways Kelly vom sunshine-live solutions der Welt decentralized

00:24:20: Bezzera Sami Siemens batman ist Reisende Jackie Chan project which is beginning to write for education and technology Ketchup

00:24:31: of thing that can be done and building

00:24:35: wavy hair Shop cineform how much Beach fishing attack on Titan Casino in Germany Fax Abendbrot 73 kitapsiz ist ein Pickup Problem Betten Audacity silverbullet,

00:24:49: that is the question if,

00:24:51: musical SONG

00:25:03: a big one welches keine

00:25:06: Wie sieht man am westertor Drive electric Weco 2004 wann gibt es Briefe.

00:25:21: If you okay you have your dashboard implies and suddenly the without come up.

00:25:30: What is if local government does not know how to deal with it how much.

00:25:40: Outside intellectual Support do they need and how much can you do.

00:25:48: Think we can do most by connecting cities to each other that goes back to where we started the cities challenges of very similar by having a common language.

00:26:00: Und Hauttyp Westies die sich das Einkommen eines jetzt aber die städtischen aber Mensa beibehält und Rey Mysterio there are bolted model the way to the best way,

00:26:10: this is helping cities work together and get them from from which are the biggest city in the specialist man Single ist

00:26:20: erkenne an example from one street incorrectly one very early as citizens gibt's Döner.

00:26:32: Aber was ist die Akte Grant Dieter Taxis Super Bowl so so each one can see what you're the reason of course learning and disgusting and the city what's holding back day.

00:26:47: Schalte re-ment developers to copy without proper discussion from from other cities die Cousine justice Logo.

00:26:56: Europaforum ist herbstsuppe saikyo haben iPhone ein iPhone Autohaus Dynafit running on the same operating system.

00:27:05: Science Michael Thoma.

00:27:09: Gut wir haben damals wir hatten talk much about your technology in Italy adbyte einem Quad Karies about the view

00:27:19: the wall of debt USA how does it look like what makes it special.

00:27:27: The first thing Übersetzung when the base to think most people Song Kaiser using if nothing els Outlook Kinderkleider something exciting authority using the web browser to planner

00:27:41: DATEV Scanner

00:27:44: dan the bottle here is the underlying Models mobicall an agent-based Model 12 talk with talk about this position Elements navigiere ready to order vision systems

00:27:57: Single ist auf Cross Israelis systemic Formel

00:28:01: everything is in the connected e.v. shift the way the shift to electric vehicles of the sea the way we change energy mix and match with buildings

00:28:13: what keine Plastiktüten mehr provided every single one of the station is in the connected with all this and that is welcome

00:28:22: Ampat lation weiß in die Kamera Z3 compact ob Netzwerk Excel Sheet without https.

00:28:32: MSA model where I can define every condition Element SAP building block 111.

00:28:40: Wendy stark working with each other and the one one changes the snow con lock-in-effekte Allstars intracting Fidget the user doesn't have to.

00:28:52: Dekadent Konföderation sonst and I get what if then or partly Pullover only wanna see what happens when it happens when I get,

00:29:04: aha immer menscore hindistan husting sind geknackt Danakil-Wüste.

00:29:09: Understanding das Ding EU to many play the complex system into the liebes Gifs

00:29:16: deeper understanding how does the works of systemic understanding the thing that is really important across all stakeholders Italy

00:29:25: Fischen sind es dann so die sieben Zwerge im Wald erkenntnissystem.

00:29:35: Tomer Almut.

00:29:36: Bei much like to pick up on your things every transition ist interconnected

00:29:45: laxity of systems and that we all need to understand that am.

00:29:54: Bei twenty fifty wert.

00:29:57: Over two sides of the world population density changes now to reduce emissions and the mysterians.

00:30:11: Haben eco-systems weit.

00:30:13: Baby move on transforming towns and cities now to the transformation of the world's thirtythree Megacities like.

00:30:25: Tokio Megacities US cities with more than ten million people for example the metropolitan regions home to thirty eight million people how.

00:30:39: Would you approach the project and thus you technology of the rest.

00:30:47: Sagte so in Fischen BASF footwork in Stockholm.

00:30:55: Axe live in the beginning the house next PLC besten den ständigen setz ist Arthritis the melodies Megacities where they are divided into Samstag EVZ Shop.

00:31:07: Alter level,

00:31:10: er wird challenges that schon sehr schön Sarah the same Tätowierstudio public transport where people wait and see is much more efficient than the hype Porschen bitte sadly it

00:31:23: dessarzin not that much the difference in how you protect them all the way.

00:31:32: So basically the mayor of Tokyo can you to come to you and your technology lighting.

00:31:41: Willi es ist an.

00:31:43: Jo Rosenau dealing coming from cities and towns to Megacities your so working with the government of Sweden.

00:31:53: You turn the entire country into into what net Zero economy.

00:32:00: sero economy by twenty forty five the use this feeling is using the Germany first wealth Fasnet the welfare economy.

00:32:08: When I wait but you this is your first time with net.

00:32:13: Sauer love to the underlying technology in the framework with transition elements with developed with the Swedish climate policy Council Renegade ist MDMA und Ecstasy

00:32:27: MSO.

00:32:28: Erinnert Schließung Eggenberg Türk Restaurant in the beginning is settled Bilder Dashboard vorspielen Station the starting point in sink involving wäre

00:32:40: hay day bei dir vorher Bescheid kommen picture Warrior.

00:32:44: Where I want to go what's going on über Lara Bachelor Thesis data lining all the things take on the water, Koh i haven't talked about jetzt ist.

00:32:57: How do you finance you work and the question for you tomorrow so Michael AMS.

00:33:06: Let's go back to you Heidelberg how much does it cost me the city of Heidelberg.

00:33:16: Solidia

00:33:18: Fernanda size of the city hammertinger Rose city

00:33:29: optimabit bin Tänzer aus inzwischen fifty 6003 Jojos.

00:33:34: RH including of the nightmare Lord of the force of the textile.

00:33:40: Hervis Sport auf der Airsoft Reiseservice David active servicepool Rosemarie CSU Senioren Dzafic central business we provide technology Parteivorsitz you have to make decisions kollaborativ lernen Support Emmental.

00:33:53: Aber das ist immer the fray spray paint the beautiful forest City.

00:33:57: Jetzt auch so cities can get going Zubehörpaket wird es kompliziert facetowi also eine comes today the thing you know what I call the analysis and the way you are now doing New York open inventory

00:34:09: Otto Spark Saturn Wii U Wii

00:34:13: erklärt cities used for free.

00:34:20: Because you have to fun in the sun.

00:34:25: Was bedeutet ABS and the WASP the challenge the generations of the time

00:34:34: Arndt fast and the great things of grace of course this is a way that down the line the software is something just like this

00:34:45: i giving it by letting cities having the starting point free and doing the kind of stuff to this town Radio registriert.

00:34:54: Is wild good to be able to.

00:34:57: Weider coffee den Office-Versionen std zwei Pakete one more more comprehensive deep sea to Summit with with with the pain

00:35:09: möchte get started ändern ist anders as your current situation that is just something that we wanted White Widow.

00:35:16: Would you like to give the inside of your business model.

00:35:22: Services Molly sag ich Levi's straight for the night comes to walk on costs Software-as-a-Service where you free n-trance then I have a more more pictures and you pay more for the features also Asiaten

00:35:36: we are heading more Motors the financial analysis.

00:35:41: This is a key let's take one step back really into something Arbeitsposition.

00:35:47: As we know the high level Racing Williams like people in the world know that level up the return on investment.

00:35:58: Oldies live Karte gekostet den Abschnitt aus der Mülltonne Mülltonne starte Maike perspective.

00:36:11: Aus dem virtuellen Speedmetal the more different stakeholders perspectivia when is the new understanding the script

00:36:21: SAG Awards guiding what we need to know to date of financial analytical ambitions

00:36:28: we can't say what needs to be done there I can help to give the best possible inside könntest Andys got where do when is Christmas why do we want to break between items and the Treasury

00:36:40: an incentive ECAM so given that it is the financial analysis of the transition rethink it

00:36:48: es is the key to unlocking elektrische sich schon hatten fast man really great thing in this is change so much since we are the couple of years ago that we actually have

00:37:00: lots of financial institutions that want to invest in the transition pervers city is not happen

00:37:08: to all the countries that we haven't learned each others like this and that is the bridge we want we want to reach

00:37:16: so coming back for business model the more we can help with understanding the financial situation in the sun with you when the sun the the the the

00:37:29: climate and investment needed von der Karte beste Tipp warst du weg nix Unrated Edition.

00:37:35: Energy cities Kranke Financial Financial functions of something that the cities are happy to upgrade to,

00:37:42: because you went into you are the numbers and the different stakeholders now and the market.

00:37:51: The interview the market has been growing Server Cosplay.

00:37:59: WiredMinds ist Konversation normale dann tschüss Haus und mein Team enit was difficult because versinken dürfte to describe the situation you buy now EZ trillion Dollar

00:38:09: market and I found this morning in Blumberg.

00:38:14: Wer sein Weib Globulis GEZ Kontakt trixitt fifty three trillion Dollar bei twenty twenty five representing more than the third of Foto

00:38:27: Ersatz under management so Vienna talking war Denise Marketeer.

00:38:35: Maybe this question is for Bose view.

00:38:39: This is massive movement with mass of movement cancel out of 4.

00:38:47: Vsr4 major crimes that for example that they could lose out in the truth.

00:38:57: Destroy the current economic structure that doesn't work out and then smea organox.

00:39:07: I won't save her under my Cloud music in different customs process.

00:39:14: Wir sind wirklich viel bei dir zeigt man Service in der Distanz in.

00:39:22: Enjoy the summer seven and the talking arbeite

00:39:26: positive facts aber hi Michael Level One Way way hi Michael ayverdis hast du down in the nitty-gritty Details ändern balance sheet we have the number down to the death of John alite sat going von yes we know this must happen to where are the Beatles what are the exact numbers Staller

00:39:46: never the goal futuredat.

00:39:49: The fear of analysis process is not the view with the brakes economy Patcher downloaden auf deutsch.

00:39:59: Eigenart OData the talk to the city und Resten yesterday under the front of the right now

00:40:12: heavily dependent on gas und Rocher gastro-service ClimateOS ab.

00:40:22: Das ist auch so wie der Politik nanananana the market

00:40:27: everybody knows we Winnetou Winnetou Mofas und ich sagte der Situation analysis paralysis Sahnesoße Bürokratie Trödel thomsoniae Pumps in in in Germany is still.

00:40:42: Cocoa the process installing your yourself solar panels on the rooftops Tokaido Prozessor.

00:40:50: Ja da der Lotto Hose progressive und Sanitär reduce nothing but is this one Portal.

00:41:01: Amanda Ninjago Party sister

00:41:04: Korsetts texture creation an der große Torten dass dies

00:41:17: Anan indianerzelte global FFF Logo competition for Vorschaubild.

00:41:23: Genau hoch ist meine Bild der nächste beginnt istri Vorfall binaries for.

00:41:28: Prosol 1230.

00:41:38: An einem Kurs wie.

00:41:40: Das ist unter der Erde vier bin ich fast nicht zu voll Level Tutu helper vsauce3 policy framework

00:41:52: Hallo government 2 Uhr wecken

00:41:55: Deckenhaube Lotterie weißen song the love that make it so difficult installed some of the solution.

00:42:05: Get going in the sand and the city.

00:42:15: Hundred and seventy seven hundred and seventy Olivia inhaltlicher.

00:42:24: How fast did you move on the introduction of the technology to know.

00:42:32: Sof.

00:42:34: Kurze diese lot of voices Thomas erbistal the nation Sweden und Sport history of everything that how are the music in you sin city stories

00:42:46: Arm so Promi Fulda first two three years we are the world around with

00:42:49: City 2000 frontrunners imagine Newcastle the law and the law from them the way now that we have today is,

00:42:57: KODi walkowitz City sorry we will release that the arena of the one part of this together with cities around the times

00:43:06: gästefeedback improve the way to the greatest of all possible for climate of this and that is the reason to you to you.

00:43:13: The last Hoffmann cinemas FSG Lappen in numbers of cities of the number of ports of call it now dissertation.

00:43:22: Laptops parliament of the barricades Barcelona City Scooter.

00:43:31: Stars for free downloading Terrain entry can I see you there are the words that way.

00:43:38: Annerose just a minute with the feedback from city to city center Pocking.

00:43:48: Anna-Lena habe ich sie indessen das große crazy in use by the new statement of Arabic music Germany Best-Of IHK Javelin Trikots.

00:44:01: Mein Friseur the best the best in the world Germany but nobody taking care of the next step in in in the in the city the transmission journey and the wedding in the trading keine Newmarket.

00:44:13: And maybe the one of the first move to iOS Assassin sum sum sum something into the great cities

00:44:23: Amanda Keller keep the wheel turning Ananda masterskala Belastung uns.

00:44:29: Tomer do you have a name I wanna be in excellent of cities ExoMars of time.

00:44:38: Aremis Abarth Kabel reduction

00:44:40: sodass lifesaver subsidies Ostsee Damon Salvatore and understand

00:44:49: and making sure that we follow

00:44:52: bitfinance catspaw not to the most of my car production.

00:45:04: Jetzt gerade Mittag Statistik Euro.

00:45:06: MD Handels haben die City Tour in reitnau arbeite bei der Donau Kontinents oder bei musically Europe and America.

00:45:17: It's you again America most item have some really like in the areas where the walking dead by daylight Foxy.

00:45:31: I'm walking together with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

00:45:39: Not not not not Sabrina an official capacity by the office League

00:45:45: weigh much Zigeuner Messerklinge sein Eispickel The Whitby

00:45:59: Admin quadratischen Grunde TFT LCD UNDP the biggest Organisation

00:46:06: also access to all countries anruf City Uhrzeit ludwikow d'Alexandrie random.

00:46:13: Wicked oder Biturbo

00:46:23: wants to find a way to combine the really fast moving Star flexwell Startup surface where you went to get with with them to get bigger organizations and enjoy the fantastic starte the Swedish Government because I got really great

00:46:40: the national government agencies Vattenfall and assistance we want to be faster than the startup

00:46:49: nsane time we are gods and building the walls of migration

00:46:57: it was to find my parents are being flexibel and the end end ab.

00:47:02: Umso ist es Oldenburg city stories from von City Service Africa big cities Megacity Lagos in Nigeria

00:47:10: Angus very often went up the Nvidia GPU with one of the picture industry Network sexy Folio or player.

00:47:21: Roofing Bad.

00:47:33: Dennoch Bilder von der.

00:47:36: Looking back to where you are a mathematician right and you have been successfully Consultant before.

00:47:46: So why did you decide to take a big risk and dive into the net Zero economy.

00:47:53: Oh simple and the same reason I think most people.

00:47:58: Abonnement Campari Workspaces Klingnau

00:48:04: bitte knowledge with the knowledge and the professional HUK make you with most of identity make the difference an.

00:48:18: Timer example my question how can I make a difference a thing of this is joined the company has joined us in the noise Software Janeiro never think what when I'm with my profession the biggest effect on the most important part of the verb

00:48:37: Michael won't let you to this profession because you have experience already es ist etwas ESET Cent United Nations anthem.

00:48:47: So lange wartet ja so.

00:48:51: Rosalinde sind die Varden questions cosmesi human economic why why are some countries developing the doors of stone.

00:49:02: Wow PvP world Africa South America in the sky.

00:49:15: Strawberry Hamdan too much thinking about what's new and apinchofstyle everyday we like.

00:49:29: Andauernd auf der ClimateView viktor sein muss deswegen wenn man Samen der Nadine habe kaufen.

00:49:38: Ist es an den steegersee combine.

00:49:41: Genau zwei Mädels auf deine Party wird mit something my Heaven voltadol in the morning.

00:49:49: Ja und das ist das Haus oder dein Baby würde wieder curiosity NNO the problem on the outline 4 Bilder 1 Wort without top Xtra mercurialis.

00:50:00: Exit the privilege to all the people that.

00:50:04: Keine Peinlichkeit on the right train battasendas immens knowledge and skills level dadadadadadada Fläche Rennen enjoy the ride,

00:50:19: Mike's famous in the last two years the walking and talking to people that I want to make the world a better place that is.

00:50:28: New great energy.

00:50:33: Es hat Oma John Ording the champions zefit2.

00:50:41: It's so much so entfernt.

00:50:48: F-Raz we are getting stuck fantastic Talent Kamera Motiven Vogelzug in Stockholm is your most competitive places people,

00:51:02: welcoming and really clear mind set on anyone wanting to do something important and when do something

00:51:10: ingwerähnliche kam es unzählige go Arena das ist all you will forget you really feel you're doing something really

00:51:23: so much energy and this is really a completely different world icaniwill publish to drive in am.

00:51:31: I mentioned in the intro WM Quote of the UN Secretary-General Guterres US cities where the climate Battle will likely be won or lost.

00:51:45: Tomer Auge doing the battle.

00:51:48: Wax in the city of the cities goes off and more ambitious the national go Trading Card buy the the the the city the termination GoGreen.

00:51:58: Das Release hat astrovillage willingness angry activity,

00:52:02: TTT das erste Fach verdino Haus bastelbiene Lotus scale of the last year release Show.

00:52:11: I know I can say missions Astoria Angelika das Hassel bei die Fassade ein bisschen and how the real big defence und Talking.

00:52:21: City na und ist Risiko iPad sie hocken.

00:52:29: Kannst du wie du App Store gewartet because the ist am yes the the mass of industry yes yes going for what wissen absolut exakt for Speed.

00:52:41: Andreas Perez Glasgow Stockholm die sigdis she's the green day you have your Sensation Dashboard for the government am.

00:52:52: Kannst du die Oma Netti.

00:52:54: Nimmst du Bio most underling to move towards this direction and I'm not just talking about now the war in in Ukrainian and the reality market visiert und O,

00:53:09: lover of the question for both of you to answer any would like to stay with you too much.

00:53:20: Does it take to make the time we were missing link.

00:53:29: THW Bissingen comes the big picture über harvesting Hamstern bisschen hat er wissen wann kommst du denn olle titel des Veneto 8.

00:53:38: Don't have everything at on everyone is the downstream for me for me when the missing link is not a missing important messing with the,

00:53:48: Hardcore grace of breaking things that the Dragon Singstar und Entwickler Königspython.

00:53:56: Brother what can be done with the next step to the journey down in the next step the beast

00:54:04: the five the devil is in the details and for me this so much right to the city you come the national equiva Dennis like Hathaway the high level pictures of me to break it down everything that is very important to understand every life

00:54:20: cost-benefit Service transition understand how this picture looks and you understand that are winners and losers is no way around

00:54:29: Daniel picture Bingo britisches Band aber seid picture is it where we are

00:54:37: we are the big picture in place that I don't have the school decision intelligence to take the decisions that we need an.

00:54:46: Andauernd du da gesagt noch hasental picture but having the need you to us today and tomorrow to the rhythm of the night Kontinente Modell right direction,

00:54:56: but you mentioned important thing which is who is the winner ein Hustenlöser.

00:55:06: Oanda

00:55:07: ok Weiler ZBB question the office in the high level to wake the complete with a partition by making simplified picture the same thing down to Reno

00:55:26: Amerika sage sport news

00:55:28: dieseltag Bisping Stams aktuell new electrical in ten years old.

00:55:37: The winners and losers arnoldus.

00:55:47: Okay Michael sorry coming back to the question

00:55:53: Döner Bad Wildbad

00:56:07: also das zu einem hieringer betroffen

00:56:10: na to any city Amina don't know any city in the world can finance in Teilchen sich nanodron citybug ist der niedrigste extra investment

00:56:20: annanews sehen da jemand die ist Shimon Peres growing

00:56:24: there is someone out Definition product in market,

00:56:33: ready to finance projects and cities to have them but they don't speak the same language that in the city

00:56:43: Schwandorf bis in der Treasury

00:56:45: bitte speak when the man comes to you having a budget line Project X 2 in 1 Media Dingen oder Kolleginnen.

00:56:54: Bad day don't talk WDR Podcast auf den Westen Serie Versandpreise 3 tv programm.

00:57:03: Basically teaching the climate of the speaking more than the investors Abrollbehälter prepare some the Prostata das Angebot.

00:57:16: Also zuviel keine reggae lifted out into the into the market so that this transition can be faster.

00:57:21: Alles gut außer sensitized investors and the Treasury in Kanada Banane Provider bei berni24 south of

00:57:30: Office city on the station to turn on the review greenbone story the very big,

00:57:40: sed DDR Migrationsassistent UK error.

00:57:48: Sweden a new Public Management or or or what ever made my day

00:57:56: ABC keiner ins Bilder aussuchen needs to look elsewhere fall for funding where are the promise you she comes and goes away with them

00:58:09: aber der passt schon keine bringt bringt aus

00:58:12: bist du gerne rumkommen language or or or because everything works down on the one on the impact intelligent Investor

00:58:27: metamizole to the end but I will I want to leave I need to know one one thing because you mention it several times about not everybody is talking the same language and closing gaps und so an.

00:58:42: Tomer maybe you can sum it up how do we create greater understanding and the will to change.

00:58:52: So konnten ist die democratizing knowledge and by doing this erkläre taxonomy ontology describing the origination expensive Akinator.

00:59:04: Mister before and the world Endstand minute Dubai the climate change,

00:59:10: now comes antatschen an Action comes down to financing and if we show the past the head

00:59:17: also weiberpower survival ekonomika the head is what we can spend aber das was well understood than the pressure to change will be even bag.

00:59:29: Thank You Thome ambasador lab.

00:59:33: Ich muss jetzt allein talking to the birth to my and my girl and I wish that your technology will be distributed

00:59:43: over the planet cities and reduce global emissions on large-scale Thanks a lot and good luck to you Frankie Simulator

00:59:54: human listening to the special English edition auf der große neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle Barden in which I took the pioneering liedelt.

01:00:06: Guacamelee into making a world smarter greener and Pharrell for more information,

01:00:12: please visit Double You Double You Double You Sybille

01:00:16: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

Exploring Revolutionary Ideas to Transform Our World

Der Große Neustart supports the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative, envisioning a just and sustainable society for the 21st century. Ranked #1 in 9 countries, featured in Forbes as one of the "Top 10 Trending Business Podcasts," recognized as the best German-speaking podcast, and listened to in 110 countries, our podcast spent an incredible 12 consecutive weeks at #1 in the USA Non-Profit Podcast Charts.

We are a trusted platform for groundbreaking conversations, where global leaders and changemakers dive deep into how they are reshaping industries, healthcare, business, education, technology, and the social contract. Guests include visionary thinkers like Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum; Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator; and many others—from tech pioneers and the world's first Water Envoy to Chief Heat Officers and individuals revolutionizing life on Earth.

Join us as we uncover the ideas, and strategies that are driving systemic transformation and creating a better future for people and the planet.

von und mit Sibylle Barden, Publizistin


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