Der Große Neustart

Der Große Neustart


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00:00:00: We needed to do something old together the rebirth gemeldet five hundred and orange one billion dollars is intended to unlock.

00:00:09: Da bleibst tainted one Belinda The Pirate investment with identified partnersinn projects

00:00:16: over the world and every hour of the races we believe the time machine.

00:00:21: Ist die Möwe Berlin Februar parley of the course without using renewable energy technology.

00:00:27: Welcome to the special English edition auf der große Neustart.

00:00:35: German Podcast series bei Sibylle war.

00:00:38: In which I took the pioneering Lidl so inspired by the World Economic Forums great reset in Eschede.

00:00:45: Archimedische making a world Smart Arena Anfänger.

00:00:54: Today on the exaited welcome dr rajiv shah president of the Rockefeller Foundation.

00:01:01: His organisation and the Ikea foundation decided to join forces and set up a one billion dollar global platform

00:01:08: part time change and energy poverty.

00:01:12: Plattform wird Android use one million times of greenhouse gas emissions and empower one billion people with distributed.

00:01:20: Renewable energy which makes it an historic Enterprise because at the single largest distributed renewable energy in Eschede.

00:01:30: Hallo dr rajiv shah in New York congratulations how did you make this happen.

00:01:37: Guten morning thank you for having me the Rockefeller foundation for more than one hundred years has locked.

00:01:43: Geoexplorer the frontiers of Silence technology and innovation will be the best Laptop.

00:01:52: Musste mich Mandy and many of those who are otherwise left behind and we have no past investieren.

00:02:00: Marin Mersenne in public health to the purpose we help Invest in agricultural science and research the Peregrine Revolution fifty years ago today when we love to the future and who can you have the most people in the world.

00:02:15: Wetter their hopes and dreams and river of life and dignity and productivity within the question is providing renewable energy

00:02:25: till the nearly one billion people are friendly with without

00:02:29: anywhere access to electricity and therefore are isolated from the global economy this is everything von Renegade

00:02:39: we see some new possibilities made possible by technology and partnership we have an amazing partner24 Ikea Foundation too much

00:02:49: Elke mad men with respect money money this world join this important iPhone and as the world justified of time change

00:02:58: mische Düren away the one seine Frau 1xstream problem with you have a passport which you let go.

00:03:05: Ja die Menschen hat sich geduscht together bis DIY Ikea Foundation how did you find each other

00:03:13: Rhodos Brackwede Kirche Wolfgang schüßlbauer parley for the years are we don't smile lyrics together the amazing celpa hängenest.

00:03:25: Approached us and we approach them with this opportunity everybody know this is the moment in which we have to really go back.

00:03:35: Infolge eine Makeup baking friends are the world covid-19 has shown as

00:03:40: people interconnected the consequences of climate change also parents in Europe in Germany United States all around the world.

00:03:50: Everything we needed to do something old together the rebirth kamera 209 adults and orange one billion dollars is intended to unlock.

00:03:59: Da bleibst tainted One Berlin Dauer The Pirate investment with identified Partner symprojects

00:04:06: over the world and every hour of the races we believe the time machine the movable im Februar parley of the course without using renewable energy technology.

00:04:18: Seznam fast taking number of thinking about

00:04:25: native send JMS to reduce one million times of greenhouse gas emissions how you want to imagine how that works out how do you do that.

00:04:36: What technology to use.

00:04:43: In Euro village in the state Court Bihar in India and states in India.

00:04:50: Was walking through the village with my team and NAT my dog and join the sentences happens almost everyday.

00:04:59: Run task that the government provided

00:05:03: elektricity just a place where all the lights turn down for the business is there were open in the ring foodsharing carpentry Gathering all the things.

00:05:16: Erste Mediathek at the start functioning and paper Story going back to their homes.

00:05:20: Nenne few moments later because the Roxbury Foundation the bullet Solar Minigrill there we had installed Newman village

00:05:29: Adelaides Weinberger.

00:05:31: EMPIRE re-style fiber rear fender 5 stars in the businesses and economic activity continue the boys in the three different Sabine without.

00:05:42: Tschüssi die you can have any Bubble economy and without electricity all the small businesses around the world

00:05:52: User Generated cendrillon The Recall connected in this girl breath of the wild world Mr Equalizer and in this case

00:06:06: Salpetersäure Bury System some Remote official intelligence based management

00:06:11: Smart needles and small many Brits mx-auto difference in the world live music.

00:06:18: And do you work with with local company sorry you got already technology companies you you work with.

00:06:27: Absolut rimoco national in groben in India with you must ermordet 700000 customize today we work with.

00:06:35: Sams Maus gerundio poner eurocompanies artiges partnerships with Caterpillar in India poverty and the power company.

00:06:44: Dave, Weight Watchers net Joint Venture CB1000R Diesel Mini grids and to reach more than ten million people

00:06:54: Kokain we live in the dark and when it rains on the life support the role of India.

00:07:00: And I know we're excited the heretic preparation with the major company.

00:07:05: Nervige we have local partners and national Cornelsen international Paris is well and the mystery lights American East Asia Service the strategies.

00:07:14: Anyone who can be Parade Smash and we need you before this machine is your battery technology manufactured with Richard Sweeney Todd cast.

00:07:23: Energy storage to bring the battery level performance of Europe Service Provider we can work with you with your bank Avenida Kaprun

00:07:35: dachte businesses and more polkenberger Laptop William Pippa reparieren projector artimelt YouTube

00:07:42: ja ja bye bye one Dienstag.

00:07:47: This particular project Soli the Roxbury conditions Deutsche Bahn 9 years ago and and and the what happened with the collected data.

00:07:58: Android self serving customers and restore exploring the business model the works when when the team

00:08:06: wird das System der hättet change custom Radio nein dies and the clone whatever there is the cost

00:08:13: vanity Plugin papicante technology has got no money in the time

00:08:18: das Know dörnte twenty two twenty fourth and the weather with you come with the present in the next three ships on scales so we have been doing this for the Apple to embrace Paintball New Port Netzwerkkarte energy and so many orders within the last 6 months

00:08:38: lies my hero X-ray and then we just think now is the time to school this up so that I can be the weather station.

00:08:47: Ja ja wir küssen keep on mentioning that you want to improve your life of one million people which is the number that probably the amount of people with the right now and living and Turtle property

00:09:01: Camille talk about about creating

00:09:05: axis to clean and reliable power intellectus electricity and maybe the two water are you doing some project one.

00:09:15: Webster William Franklin the roll into the night that you hit you walk through the night.

00:09:23: Nairobi in Tenero.

00:09:26: Seydelstraße Ethiopia embassy in India you see I know the people living.

00:09:35: Very poor conditions and you see that mostly they have a service informer connections within the government Energy Grid en efectivo I take the power of a down.

00:09:49: Willi beneficiary served by the authorities Juniper secure Firewall Juniper to keep food refrigerated NMI parity the economic Wii

00:10:01: Kakteen einige Lieder von White just the women and girls can walk around at night and be safe from violence and sexual abuse

00:10:10: sowieso gerade Queen I did the US and engineers to make sure that the people who have access to the.

00:10:18: Queen renewable distributed energy there will never be able to provide the daily news that for water purification food storage for productivity improvement Anforderungen Elite Panda

00:10:32: der Mojave cultural learning German and the devil is all the activities are made possible by energy electricity and you know it

00:10:43: China Restaurant Viva wenn der Urlaub hat mir im people even the dark knight.

00:10:48: Ferien Berlin and have people have very reddit ancestors the businesses lyrics.

00:10:54: Agro energy and constraint in a context the weekend with the devil is the single greatest thing we can't you review.

00:11:02: Extreme poverty and suffering around the world.

00:11:05: When you allocate know all the money and technology how do you monitor the.

00:11:14: Ja redevelopment.

00:11:16: Very very carefully the benefit of this work to help address Pavillon wohne Belgien

00:11:27: wir helfen Safranin in emerging in the world in the car with the one time that the single most important thing I've learned

00:11:35: as I have to measure results for discipline and order them with Query data of the small business in Europe in the server error

00:11:46: Herrenuhr Ball College vacation projects are able to grow your business is fifty percent in the first year I had to the dreams with an average over the way that we know

00:11:57: great southern gender based violence go down.

00:12:01: General trading and public reading and music is all around the world Song we carefully measurable the results of this work

00:12:10: i am the weather now you're welcome in the report on this way for power and electricity wie kassiert der gar still there every day.

00:12:21: Paypal is the reality is the seven preserver customers pay the bills on which makes this sind absolut reproductive.

00:12:30: Da kann man schon mal der once we get it going on the window the measuring the data.

00:12:37: Jojo the mentioned in the announcement

00:12:42: that you want to unlock for the sustainable models can you talk me through it.

00:12:50: Zur warrior of you look around the world emerging economies and developing countries have the replay of the first and foremost the need to lift up the living and the dead die böse 7 Murnau

00:13:04: West covid-19 having posta must have a billion people Berger anderen expanded the national about the Believer and so we simple simple method which is Winnie the help lift up.

00:13:19: Das very large Robert will DNS sustainable way.

00:13:23: And when I'm in the thing energy sectors transition to the No Go Vacation it means to reach the

00:13:33: überholen outreach Kurskorrektur City what to do swissrenova sources Mystery shape für den Erik office-systems The Weeknd the quest der Kolben.

00:13:43: Empolis Moni Festival brother Hotels Lissabon Manager 14 mm Mauerwerk erfasst Whitechapel in resources and across the world

00:13:56: diese Details sind things we have the day the boss left keyboard and do it anyway the protector Trailer

00:14:03: too many times the bosom that the responsibilities of addressing climate change a really only on those countries

00:14:11: ARD Reben the wegen des Hurrikane Miz and the dudes carry the torch breeding time change

00:14:19: bei den asix Edersee grau we have to do it together and has to be some reason for emerging and developing economies be passionate about this machine and we think this is the reason is given away with the power

00:14:33: ja die Isi Weitnau passion for asking the planet.

00:14:40: Webserie the amazing pieces of course the weather in the future.

00:14:48: Aha nations have invested in the economic recovery covid-19 is in the EU and particular

00:14:57: senaste lieb was presented the fiscal stimulus resource is being invested specifically for Greening the economy

00:15:06: Ventileinsätze speaking to do the same thing on the President Biden and the challenges.

00:15:14: Hallo we get resources and technology and know-how and partnership incorporation.

00:15:20: Nadja Standby ja hervor of the nations make it accessible to every country can make the survival Mission

00:15:30: Energy transition platform Institute in the energy sector we think there are the world von The Queen is this the way to the land use

00:15:40: 1 aria2 gastrokasse says where are you the one.

00:15:49: Ja ja ja global platform will oversee the combined fands how how does it work.

00:15:59: Well that are good for energy transition in Endingen the party.

00:16:04: Will Ingrid Grand resources 5 jb2 Grad soll man in Hochform enyadres ewelink investment.

00:16:13: Care Investment können wir Admins from development finance institutions most major industrial nations have.

00:16:21: Institution Cerazette promote Investment private investment in global development of Champions 2017 the right now making building the doors of commitment to this platform

00:16:33: Energiequelle greenery

00:16:35: Bernd innere med commercial Cabrio commitments and I think we what she said because most of the major banks and.

00:16:43: Investment Group Swiss Peak to you are seeking to make investments in emerging markets man energy technologies in energy transition they know that this is the business for the future back.

00:16:56: Heute feiern dir auflauert heute B expert without partners who have a one track record Breaker Akkusauger

00:17:03: during this work and we can't take some there is kill.

00:17:08: Vorpommersche Investment solide Plattform everyday Bro von orlando sources which is why you Bully the invisible in the best in the commitments race

00:17:20: Autowäsche sexy

00:17:23: Bad by the people there are the weather we went through the one billion people of energy pably Kinderdecke.

00:17:30: Ja bez that's way in Curry King Anteilen Twingo my conversations with big operations and the answer on that everybody would doing their part

00:17:41: böse aber bei den Menschen der ist nur bei den Betreiber sieht.

00:17:47: Reitet Yuen is doing their thing but they will work with with organisations and company is to gather.

00:17:53: Some projects wenn du World Economic Forum is doing things you're doing things are the foundations ist so you see yourself or the Rockefeller foundation here in the driver's sieht vor

00:18:06: fight against climate change.

00:18:09: Original sin Christian Servicepartner

00:18:19: 1 Dressing climate change simultaneous with certain ways when the doors challenges they drive away with the driver Serie the day that one thing in this but if you really make it dance.

00:18:35: Get this type of scale NMD Global Challenge you need everyone to be there is the new media company stepping on the platform and be willing to you imagine you passed

00:18:50: Erbitterter Timo s pinking about this Nesbitt the very poor in India and everyone there for many years and the crew

00:19:00: we pray that this version you need investors to be beautiful i was there are the force awakens a walk.

00:19:07: This my blood of the rescue the the the call transaction in the vertical me but we have a long-term commitment to the global Transformation year-end Wohlgenannt

00:19:18: Prater Bruno website

00:19:21: ATP Race live br10es Corporation Radfahrer Fondation Beck in hell Texas address girl in the train station

00:19:33: energy storage solutions the cost income the an even more

00:19:37: winning governments to participate to provide some cities where necessary bros ultimate reddit solar panels are accessible to the Hebrides entdecken Bilder der VR-Brille patients girl

00:19:48: sorry I need everyone participating the Gathering building dies multi-stakeholder partnerships

00:19:54: ist just something we do with the doing it for more than hundred years it's the only solution we verify that the global challenges changing

00:20:03: mini chihuahua fractional transforming the fight against the the the the run the world.

00:20:09: Ja ein noticed that you are the fall Präsident Obama you use of this is Chief scientist SV Salamander übertreib es net.

00:20:22: Ie11 birds serviceleitstelle Dragon anywhere.

00:20:27: Übersetzen the financial development for president Obama with gratitude for many years.

00:20:35: Back to the Obama time and now the shift in Müll.

00:20:42: In the thinking in ecosystems how how did it change over time.

00:20:49: there is a real commitments armonk Scrabble videos to majiwaru action.

00:20:59: RST Johann the parents Kamera in Office Copenhagen and terrace Kanada commitment to work together.

00:21:08: Deka investments das going with the global wines for axians Illumination in the global fine trade.

00:21:15: TBM Maria you can you help the way that one card Tarot forget the help expand energy access in Africa biggest menü Davis.

00:21:24: Will enjoy where create stability.

00:21:27: Rasterkarten end of the Vampire Diaries Interview in the interest of the shield.

00:21:34: Können Männer Handeln leitet im country signing the end

00:21:38: Extreme Pablo Picasso Disney feasible still at Freddy's Sustainable Development Goals

00:21:49: jeder Party Häuser mit Akkorden many nations including United States and ASP.NET Grid snapping away.

00:21:56: Von deinem basic idea that is all the world's toughest Robin Sweeney Todd Theater Energie des Präsidenten Amerika.

00:22:07: Will will once again Camerota global problem solving and the reactions and baking man is baking

00:22:18: renewal of American quarterly spirit

00:22:21: SV bancuri Energizer Lisa Fries Enes Enes crying in the rain everybody across the planet covid-19 with the everyday foundation is focused on every night

00:22:34: fine time change what do the weather with Sub the forest in mouth hormonmonster switches die andere Jack Devil Liquidmetal.

00:22:42: Because you talked about the sustainable development goals and the Paris agreement that it's me straight to you so you are pointed out and Fortune Magazine.

00:22:52: Way you state that we need the new Button boots.

00:22:56: To restart the global economy and that the twenty countries should put the old organisations too much better you can you go in summer dieter.

00:23:07: Memmingerberg is your number after every new the in the world with you.

00:23:13: Bei mir ist der Job Restaurants working together.

00:23:17: Und verkleidet something for the Atlantic charger with with the best value the thing we understand.

00:23:27: How we got here in let's be proactive and taking some steps so that the amazing countries can cooperate mont-vully

00:23:36: der vor obwohl future card for and coming there so many important indische Restaurant Ichiban gorjuss Pinneberger Chaussee.

00:23:49: Ma Shop Manager Fussball Herbst die besten Bollywood the idea that if we help each other

00:23:55: Sternberger we can build bridges

00:23:59: Reservoir house we can share in Arenal Express parity and we can stay alive lyrics.

00:24:07: NCT WINWIN Joker and the Thief of course with the creation of the brand with the band The Velvet Rage an important role in stable Icing globalization

00:24:23: over many decades Argument today is that covid-19.

00:24:28: Is the most destructive thing we've seen Anna Gröbel Basiszins without you and we have to reject in the same way now now Ariana mit der feinen covid-19 especially run the world come together and Avenue covid Raclette

00:24:47: we imagine what the bread with institutions and the help.

00:24:52: Jivana portable recovery for everybody know just don't get living wealthy countries allow this nation travel to borrow and invest

00:25:02: alberternst imagine all public health infrastructure so that this type of crisis never happens again Alyssa teen spirit Marokko Apotheke Rapperin resources by the current system software send private will going for really really think

00:25:22: anthos institutions and the revolution.

00:25:25: Present future trance national Crazies Wake covid-19.

00:25:33: 1 reddit PietSmiet just talk about it earlier which you to you and I had to read it probably three times to really get it you saying about the multilateral development banks and I could

00:25:48: wecken Landform OF aloud.

00:25:51: Based on independent analysis with things could Unlock up to add trillion Dollars in you lernen

00:25:58: wife to maintaining the triple A ratings that never heard that before.

00:26:05: Verena dieser dieser 1. März dann bei Apartments in Wedding Burbank William Souvenirs

00:26:12: Barden Ernstings Princess fragrance of the shareholders are the bread with institutions were willing to the Vindicator Dernau

00:26:23: willing to you can take everywhere kussi review

00:26:28: avare Expressbrief Versace review which that you crash YouTube much more the bridge on the balance sheet metal Trading tax Manager

00:26:42: der Karenz extreme levo Turbo in the strain environ races resources directory does that we needed the health economy City wenn er Kurde Bowling Green Recovery Justin vor deinem prospective

00:26:55: i know which countries are basic we spend money does the Reaper the rest in the thing for present

00:27:01: Hardware GdP investing in Recovery average response oder CabrioFix covid-19 the emerging markets 6 %.

00:27:12: The seven the price low income countries the record developing countries have only they want to present their GDP

00:27:21: 1 investing in Recovery with that means we have this great divergence and the Virgins the fast growing economies in the countryside United States and Germany Refrain we have had access to you

00:27:36: axians and have had big investments in Stereo SL recovery

00:27:41: unsupported monetary policy actions and enhance country there are the world of Tanya the economic crisis because they don't have the Meisterwerk sehen

00:27:55: covid-19 is just taking off the menu with racism causing death in the station in the economy.

00:28:02: Ernte Ernte Tabelle don't have the resources to invest in the recovery service everywhere reasonable ways to generate.

00:28:10: Will die and then there is needed to promote Energieball recovery and prevent the next of racist.

00:28:17: Nemo keine change Header extension method on the banks of the week of the ones within

00:28:28: waste resources necessary im birspark doppelrevolution Brittnau.

00:28:35: Ja wenn ihr das nahe am Eichert accommodation with the young UNDP Administrator who basically sad but at the moment we have ten which countries who are you have

00:28:48: eighty seven percent of the vaccines.

00:28:54: I wonder talking to you and so many willing.

00:28:59: Big organizations and operations how is it possible.

00:29:05: Erinnerung historically the developed countries have length.

00:29:12: Barbie Nations in Access to work since lübeck-siems historic we will take it in the twenty years

00:29:20: to reach more income countries at scale and even with the advent of the global wines relax in the nation and only speak new partnerships really

00:29:31: Temptation of the west to the games somewhere helped create Prime Rose

00:29:37: even with you you have a significant new Backstage reaching.

00:29:42: The bottle of populations ons riesenskelett in covid-19

00:29:51: SOA discoveries replicating aggressively in Afrika one point three billion presentation Indiana

00:30:03: Der den der Teufel seine Mine the right but it's unclear whether the the bugs in the provider

00:30:09: jetzt keine bero Bass together the new variance survival replication.

00:30:16: Der denn present new variance in this new variance regret the entire global economy.

00:30:22: Andy bojan der Möbelhaus in Wick Medi Sandwich Gibraltar brexit.

00:30:27: The night where your mm reverse the medieval texts with the burning down the sword this problem by the end of time to the chief seventy percent pure Music in every country where are the world have a devil beim Wechsel des Bundes sowie den Berg sehen

00:30:42: we work together national fanden its shareholders Antenne will Banking anderes tomorrow is another resource System

00:30:50: der Firma Gerd bei xx froneri that the world Hessen

00:30:54: sorry Petra Reiter because the fifty million dollars E-Zigarette nothing compares the nine tree and all the time of the match the words in the global economy bei Fehring 2

00:31:07: low income country Party rations.

00:31:09: Ja ja ja coming back to energy with the energy Party am.

00:31:19: You suggest that it is possible to end energy poverty in ten years prevent the next pandemic and improve health care for that sounds fantastic gucken wie du latin Nacho demand of time.

00:31:33: Kevin sagte Williams candy.

00:31:36: Will shipping Corporation incorporation underperform dad Rocks Faliraki and the water reservoir pulling together lyrics

00:31:48: the way we touch I will go on making sure everyone on the planet have access the energy.

00:31:54: Bei dir in the twentieth LIVE Single providing education at scale

00:32:03: people in countries across the planet and it's the price the most people

00:32:10: der Erde mir im TV sagte we don't have any access to the right to the right now.

00:32:15: Ac charging the end and then you go and you will see the new seekers I can't you there are you can't turn right sign in your account within the dark

00:32:25: i don't have any time death.

00:32:27: Businessworld capacity and employment history and the the the the the the the best wishes undercover fifty years ago I NEED YOU Daniel Caesar Widnau

00:32:46: is one that is really all about leadership by with my heart when it's very specific it's a good private space time.

00:32:54: Renewable energy technology in distributed technology Werbepartnern 200 mit Whirlpool Garten.

00:33:00: Western with the support of global partners and preventing the Pedelec the future.

00:33:07: I know why I help me the power response in Westafrika Bhf United States Nirvana Team.

00:33:14: Berkenthin everyone's are coming at that there are major reduce Winehouse date of course bye bye Germany.

00:33:21: I won by the United Nations Antananarivo.

00:33:26: NDB senden basic version of you prevent pandemics you understand the real and then you share the data

00:33:33: you understand i'm from the can rapidly twelbeck Dienstreisen diagnostics

00:33:38: animated cansados Investment brother accessible Whiteley manufacturer and where do we will rock you having.

00:33:47: Perse the country of the country of the country

00:33:50: test enter the public health response as soon as you see the Pedelec s health and you have the Queen Elizabeth

00:33:59: supporters nations were unable to get off the Habanero everything.

00:34:09: Airline American Impressionist personell Kaminari covid-19 is very happy together

00:34:18: Barocksaal Fondation is creating agrovation Shader on the next to the people not surprised by the Rings the journey into pandemics

00:34:29: weiter so manchmal nicht wieder an bitte

00:34:34: 1 RM wo ist Kira Ferropolis Preview Sieger is not where the ring covid-19 in the Panasonic ns1000 happening.

00:34:42: Ja ja you mention DDM coordinating mechanism

00:34:47: ION folgsam bereits vor covid-19 Programmcode Kovacs and could it be in the coordinating.

00:34:58: Mechanismus mechanism however the political will of the national States Rosen player.

00:35:05: Was hardly any financial support Coming-out sogar Hope Programm ist ein Schnee in jeopardy how do

00:35:15: you're special man in the Rockefeller foundation how do you change political will.

00:35:22: Avatar Wiki James Lee Johnson and Frankie Präsident beiden join in on the sin and printer merkelbad

00:35:31: the spirit of operation and SMS Station make a significant investment Kolberg the story donating ecovacs in Santa Ponsa

00:35:42: ARD have become a vegan from the participating to you

00:35:48: Dinge glaube returning virgin participacion zuletzt

00:35:52: Tanzparty assessing the parents having perspiration the dock of the sea Power storage in the head and the media go getting the present

00:36:03: auf dem Nil cover with vaccine strategy finance temperature and welcome and the ball that is not

00:36:13: gadgetshieldz The seventy percent not required for real Herd immunity and protection Cena reworked with the of the spotless

00:36:23: ein nervöses new goals and I present by the end of infinity.

00:36:28: Great fun Rock forever dich in another observance including the da Biagio

00:36:33: im Herbst construct the road wherever will you take together and the challenges now Racing with FTP without required within the goal

00:36:43: recognizing the we're all in this together you're not safe in Germany you not save me nice day TuneUp Software

00:36:50: Anlass Anlaß covid husband

00:36:53: DFN places that my people say this far away bevor Papa John Bikes covid really not that far away.

00:37:03: Jaja yesterday or two days ago and then you are a report of the International Energy Agency which sets out more than four hundred milestones to achieving map the world.

00:37:18: Android Drastik in there in the project say this include new investment in new.

00:37:25: Father of you supply project from now on for example with the IMF which is this

00:37:33: will ihm radical steps der Song bei twenty thirty minutes and average global price of seventy five Dollar pattern of CO2 way up from today

00:37:45: three Doors Down so this man.

00:37:52: Movement going on but how optimistic are you that by twenty thirty we are where I want to be.

00:38:02: Query runs under specific questions.

00:38:06: Rectification in energy systems transitions time Radtouristik I'll be with you can win the race

00:38:14: what the Rockefeller foundation is not doing with its partners and similar average in basic with Phaser.

00:38:22: All the technology the window is making the area of the prospective and competitive

00:38:30: West new renova technologies of Ring Diesel-Generator streamable gps Oliver Eidam Louisiana Museum der Arbeit.

00:38:43: Wyatt Earp Film blockers Distribution renewable options scenario building Messe, the way the world is in the best of.

00:38:52: Commissioning im Fernsehen final Generation you call a hundred and twelve in the seven countries that are supported by

00:39:00: Chinatown in Eschede prince and the one person that is both a cause we entrust

00:39:08: SMS services to people who don't have oder kriegst du die Existenz embracing new strategies and the public sector

00:39:21: Ranking national anthem unique Ranger covid-19 ist hier schon seit mein Kind you will go on the question everything.

00:39:33: Erweitert denkt 110 yet weiberpower Coop FCG

00:39:38: ah kalbim price that kills the spoiled by the time the night they are proprietary the ghost and the resort sorry Herbert meistgesehene Trachtenweste Gewerbesteuer.

00:39:53: Mini Business Leder is a doctor who managed to steal their company 268 Borreliose covid crisis at that they had started with the transformation.

00:40:05: Many years ago muss der Deckel TOGGO moving away from the short-term Shareholder-Value thinking tolantongo responsible Stakeholder model.

00:40:16: Zoe von look at the Rockefeller foundation you're hiding an hundred.

00:40:23: Eight year old weigh in French Organisation fandet with.

00:40:28: All money and now you are Fighter for clean and the house the planet can you talk me through your master of transformation and how did you make it work.

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00:42:17: Which areas of change that you had during this time.

00:42:23: Am not sure you were they already but maybe you do now.

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00:42:46: Die Absender sind der Funpark Silbersee public and private key from market so ein think there is that is part of the number one in the face when you're doing something like making and divestment decision for life

00:42:59: in der organization.

00:43:05: The well I know I am making reductions know there is nothing to know

00:43:15: all 4 hair in a major threat to change energy

00:43:19: Fernseh Chance all around the world but believe that all the time.

00:43:28: Ersetzt nyanners endlose reasons we had is your fight true.

00:43:34: Endura Training education of the population of the sweet gone with the forest.

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00:43:45: NMD Herren Inotec verpasst vom the thing 1 thing you did well.

00:43:53: Looking into German bottom schweigsam boam.

00:43:58: Mini only understand now that the companies need a completely different compass and especially the car industry which.

00:44:09: Failed to make the transition because.

00:44:13: Say what they probably sold the world too big to fail so what would be your advice.

00:44:20: Du bist eine süße want to match the requirements of our time but perhaps don't know how.

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00:44:31: and many companies have now that the gold net Zero bicycle day auf dem Pony Fifty Shades of the Death Note.

00:44:43: Liniennetz Zero bei much much much sooner than in many cases the way companies at their natural target

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00:45:29: dicker der Transformation we need something in the echoes in mobility-as-a-service Managerin.

00:45:36: Intercessio.

00:45:39: ARD the fiber down SSL resource jedes Match.

00:45:48: We are Fondation der nähe the score the true cost of the fall für die neidet stage the true cost of you this three times the.

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00:46:05: jo and Hallo assistance App Symbol businesses that are productive für die Badewanne

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00:46:27: How do we secure food for the future.

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00:47:16: Healthcare cost so we need to change the way we

00:47:20: dofu systems of the world and the representation pottery with Grip Komplettset and generation interesting.

00:47:30: Jacobo study of War directly to the people have to change the words to have more sustainable enthält Bier

00:47:38: da jetzt erntet man small sustainable Herr till they are gonna have to be transition the way you are doing well

00:47:46: arrival card temperature of land-use and environmental consequences of traditional aber manchmal biodiversity Wedges Proviant Ahern voller mega crops

00:48:04: am Ende gibt keine the Rolling Method Man the grand impera Chinchillas major crimes Preis

00:48:17: war Erfurt jetzt from around the world comes the Gathering the way we have a new version of a lonely without reservation in 1 day the weather with them.

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00:49:53: Tischlerei ds218j impact the world end of the street they are the the the the.

00:50:05: Unfortunately I owe this we just talk about whether it is covid of the cured EU energy poverty climate change

00:50:16: pou countries are the ones that are not because the Pinhead HSM we're in Europe.

00:50:23: Wie when is that the Planet needs the transition ohroliven reset to the wife is is not that great.

00:50:32: Am offen.

00:50:34: Business leaders are mainly Axel politicians think that climate change is something that had been pushed on top of the agenda ende.

00:50:46: I wonder how we can raise awareness in which countries and change.

00:50:54: Politiker will more actively.

00:51:02: Kasse quensells Überraschungseffekt.

00:51:05: Sebastian institutions wherever we have the good fortune to eat and when there it's for the Germany Wildfires in American West fort sind Accessoire

00:51:19: Eureka weather events in the southeastern United States.

00:51:25: Always we know now with certainty are much much much more frequent.

00:51:31: IKEA man made climate change and we have a mortgage and you understand that

00:51:39: gerne Navigation to make sure the work orders within and NAT problems when I say

00:51:45: ja Business Liebesbrief the topic has been there for step on the agenda

00:51:54: RB nnnn wiedeschitz Daniel Hernandez Navigations-CD Depressionen Apparatebau Western Beginn des tribez exceeded Vorwahl bei Big Brother napravljena the door in the street

00:52:11: over time.

00:52:13: Most wissensvideos walmart rather be associated with the solution and service and employees and have a strong and there

00:52:27: JFritz there their contributions to be connected to make the world better now and then I hope they all this is the story of the way ANOVA Walking

00:52:40: The values that they are poor living apart by the best and the night and Freddy's you and have the contributions seriousness in Phuket.

00:52:53: Tunnel quesence ein Hobby horse with me talking about that they ask for a just transition

00:53:04: within and across country country how possible is that just can.

00:53:14: Our transition B.

00:53:16: The the train station has to be Justin Whiting covid-19 in the daytime everything worse if you work it.

00:53:26: Everybody prodex woher Belvedere intense involving the ship to change course you have this great divergence

00:53:36: Gisele herbergs erste Werk sehen sein access to resources Servicekosten über seine Materialien will recovery from the Pedelec Dreirad Kettler

00:53:49: Entsafter Tchibo Becker interkulturellen Sandy ED9 dir 100 countries around the world.

00:53:58: I don't have access to the machines in the same way and don't have access to Cisco stamoulis man attractions in the same way.

00:54:06: Robbie stuck in the shade of the Virgins to get.

00:54:11: IHK Bürokauffrau ofrendas countries to the world you went with a friend married with the devil and wine of progress and Human Development Goals on the basic idea that everything when they shall be afforded

00:54:26: justice and dignity in their wife and you do something about which letters in the Roxbury P&I with so many people Tomb Raider.

00:54:39: Ferry Capri weather changes with the IMF to make Special drawing rights

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00:54:56: 1 credit is the general public private platform Sneaker energy transition from the brink technology and this is no heaven acrylic passieren.

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00:55:24: gettoworkout 63 Harry Potters bitte Moment regnet you aspire to energy but just transition is this moment that way.

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00:55:37: Android recovery is why we hate everyone has to understand this moment matters so much more than by the ocean know why you're the girl know that I'm the winged leadership that just can't sehr schönen Make-up.

00:55:53: Dr shah von one more Kössen des Podcast ist der die käsetüte great reset if you think about you talk a lot about it now I think about the elements for successful Reset

00:56:08: what are the key elements.

00:56:14: CO2 in the future the protector Trailer to love you wanna be passivation and the Queens and the stability and justice so that everyone can

00:56:26: can't write jetzt it requires.

00:56:29: Every part of this idea Winkelminute life goals is not just the task for him for the greater than just the task with all the things that happened in the surf experience the young people who should be your consciousness and the spirit

00:56:48: it really is everywhere and we need leadership The teething Friseur Steffi Smarties Stakeholder there is going to bring people together around with solutions and that's the moment Korrespondenz Bingo greatest way

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00:57:14: In the partnerships we have a chance to

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00:57:38: Ohrringe in Wettingen The Saturdays sorry we can achieve great reset anagram recovery.

00:57:44: Lifting back great place to thank you very much dr rajiv shah president of the Rockefeller foundation for really fantastic Interview thank you very much.

00:57:57: Great thank you you been listening to the special English edition auf der große neustart German Podcast series bei Sibylle Barden in Match Attax the pioneering Lidl.

00:58:09: Guacamelee into making a world smarter greener and feather.

00:58:13: More information please visit Double You Double You Double You Sybille

00:58:20: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

Exploring Revolutionary Ideas to Transform Our World

Der Große Neustart supports the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative, envisioning a just and sustainable society for the 21st century. Ranked #1 in 9 countries, featured in Forbes as one of the "Top 10 Trending Business Podcasts," recognized as the best German-speaking podcast, and listened to in 110 countries, our podcast spent an incredible 12 consecutive weeks at #1 in the USA Non-Profit Podcast Charts.

We are a trusted platform for groundbreaking conversations, where global leaders and changemakers dive deep into how they are reshaping industries, healthcare, business, education, technology, and the social contract. Guests include visionary thinkers like Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum; Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator; and many others—from tech pioneers and the world's first Water Envoy to Chief Heat Officers and individuals revolutionizing life on Earth.

Join us as we uncover the ideas, and strategies that are driving systemic transformation and creating a better future for people and the planet.

von und mit Sibylle Barden, Publizistin


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